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A Research On New Normal Civil Administration Ethic

Posted on:2016-03-30Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Q ZhangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2296330470952335Subject:Administrative Management
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Thoroughly and comprehensively deepen secretary Xi Jinping’"new normal",servicer’s administrative ethics is a breakthrough in the construction of socialistdemocracy. Construction of administrative ethics of civil servants is an integral part ofthe government to continue the administrative reform of the current content, improvetheir quality of civil servants in the "new normal politics" will implement the concept ofserving the people, dare to dissect self, perfect personality, which will become toachieve "new normal politics" in an important aspect. This requires an importantguarantee for the ethical conduct of civil administration in the objective depthexploration, to create conditions suitable for the socialist modernization of the civilservice administrative ethics system, which is both stable and long-term development ofthe domestic economy, is also the objective of building a harmonious society needs. Inresponse to this situation, I reviewed the relevant literature at home and abroad, througha combination of theory and practice, historical logic unified analysis of the wayin-depth study and analysis of the civil administrative ethics and basic concepts ofacademic theories, focusing on exploring the practical administrative ethics of civilservants The basic operation of the evolution of history and politics under the programfocused on building new normal system, and for the political development of the newnormal in the direction of administrative ethics of civil servants to carry out apreliminary study.In the first chapter introduction paper explains the background and significance ofthe research, literature review study abroad, worth about topics in the theoretical andpractical significance, the overall thesis writing ideas and methods and the main workand research and innovation.Secondly, in the second chapter describes the basic theory of administrative ethics ofcivil servants, the concept of civil, administrative ethics were defined and focuses on thetheoretical connotation of administrative ethics of civil servants, pointing out the civiladministrative ethics guiding principle is to serve the administrative, civil servants thebasic requirements for administrative ethics is honest administration, mainly regulatesthe civil administrative ethics efficient administration. Also pointed out the features ofadministrative ethics of civil servants under the new norm.Again, the thesis for the status of domestic servants in administrative ethics many issues were explained, focusing on the status of civil servants in administrative ethicsconstruction, on the basis of the performance issues, in-depth points out the specificreasons for the Civil Administrative Ethics. In-depth exploration of domesticconstruction achievements premise, in-depth analysis of the challenges currently facedby civil administrative ethics, problems and their causes.Finally, the paper put forward against the front of the building in the civil serviceadministrative ethics problems, an improved civil service administrative ethics buildingstrategies and future directions. Including repositioning the role of administrative ethicsof civil servants, civil administration of re-shaping the ethical values, emphasizing theleadership of the Party, the social justice concept of honor, governing for the people.Pointed out that a standardized countermeasure civil administrative ethics behavior,including the promotion-related system construction, build and improve the civil servicesystem of administrative supervision. Also includes the construction of autonomouscivil body, perfect personality, values and other diverse considerations. Finally, the legalsystem of administrative ethics, law and social security administrative ethics compliancewith relevant regulations, and thus effectively improve the level of administrative ethicsof civil servants.
Keywords/Search Tags:new normal, servants, administrative ethics
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