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On The Issues Of Primary Civil Servants Burnout

Posted on:2016-03-13Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y P WangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2296330467994576Subject:Administrative Management
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
With the continuous development of social economy,more andmore increasing work pressure occurred in the staff of thesociety, and then the job burnout problem has emerged. Burnoutproblem not only affects the working status and emotion ofworkers,but also affect the working performance of theorganization. Therefore, the importance of the job burnoutproblem does not allow to ignore. As a high-pressure socialgroup, as the connecting link between the government and thepublic and as the direct executors of public service, the jobburnout not only affect their physical and mental health, butalso directly affect the image of the government in the publicmind. At the same time, the job burnout will influence thepublic assessment in the overall level of job of government,therefore, the research on civil servants at the grass-rootslevel of job burnout problem is urgent.The angle of this paper is from the grass-roots civilservant’s job burnout and based on the three dimensionaltheory of Maslach. This paper research performance and theimportance of grass-roots civil servants job burnout and putsforward the reasons of burnout of civil servants at the grass-roots level. The reasons from three aspects:individual,organization and society in detail. In order to ease thegrass-roots civil servant’s job burnout and according to thejob burnout of reasons, the paper put forward correspondingcountermeasures, and propose to improve the level of thegovernment’s ruling.
Keywords/Search Tags:grass-roots civil servants, job burnout, working position
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