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Analysis Of Malaysia’s Changing China Policy

Posted on:2016-02-20Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Z T GuoFull Text:PDF
GTID:2296330467990805Subject:International relations
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Malaysia is one of the five founders of ASEAN and plays an important role in Southeast Asia due to its political influence and economic power; China rises rapidly after adopting Reform and Opening Up policy and has become an emerging power in Asian with greater international influence. In this situation, the relation between China and Malaysia is not only affecting the national interest of these two countries, but also the security environment of Southeast Asia. This paper will analysis Malaysia’s changing China policy, status quo of Sino-Malaysia relations, and elements which may change Malaysia’s China policy from Malaysia’s prospectFirst, this paper divides Malaysia’s China policy into three phases based on the differences of Malaysia’s five former Prime Minister: the first phase is from1957to1970under P.M. Tunku Abdul Rahman with the policy of pro-western countries and against Communism; the second phase is from1971to1981under the P.M. Abdul Razak and P.M. Hussein Onn with the policy of neutrality; the third phase is from1981to2009under P.M. Mahathir bin Mohamad and Abdullah bin Badawi with the policy of "Pandang ke Timur (take a look at the East Asia)". Besides, this part also analysis the main causes of the changes.Then, this paper discusses the Malaysia’s foreign policy and status quo of Sino-Malaysia relation under the P.M. Najib bin Abdul Razak. P.M. Najib’s foreign policy can be described as a policy with ASEAN as its cornerstone, East Asia as its core value, and super powers as its main interests. In2013, the comprehensive strategic partnership between Malaysia and China has been raised to the comprehensive strategic cooperative partnership, and in2014the bilateral trade volume surpassed100billion US dollars. The last part will discuss the elements may influence and change Malaysia’s China policy in the future. The South China Sea disputes, Taiwan issue, Malacca Strait security issue, and the Malaysian Chinese issue, the economic links between China and Malaysia.
Keywords/Search Tags:China, Malaysia, China policy, Comprehensive Strategic Partnership
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