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A Study On Irregular Exchange Between The Local Government And Private Enterprises

Posted on:2016-09-04Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:R X MengFull Text:PDF
GTID:2296330467977783Subject:Administrative Management
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
The interaction between government and business determines the country’seconomic operation mechanism and mode of economic development. It is the core ofthe system of national development. After thirty years’ reform and opening up, China’ssociety and economy obtained fast development and a group of private enterprises hasdeveloped rapidly, with the process of reform of its development which is closelyrelated to the adjustment of the economic structure in China. At present our country isstill in the government-led market economy system. The government intervenes in theeconomy vigorously and the problem of insufficient degree of marketization is alsoembodied in the enterprise. In order to promote the process of marketization, therelationship between enterprises is the key point of the relationship betweengovernment and market.The government in the transformation period is not only the state and societymanager, or the leader of the economic growth, macroeconomic regulator and controlof the perpetrators, at the same time is also the market mechanism of the trainers.Government in the country’s political, economic and social aspects of the multipleroles determines its inevitable role as the main body of the microscopic economicactivities, and enterprise is the most important environmental factors which is also themost important stakeholders. For a long time in China, the government leads economicdevelopment, that is to say, the government still has a pivotal role in the allocation ofresources. Therefore, how to deal with the government or how to deal with therelationship with the government have naturally become the most important issues andchallenges. Enterprises are facing the rise of political behavior which is the mostimportant environmental uncertainty of direct response. Our country is a focus on"relationship" of human society, so the enterprise and government affect each othermore frequently. It is in this context, business collusion has led to serious corruption.The current corruption cases, especially serious economic crime cases,the phenomenon of officials and private business owners taking use and collaboratingwith each other has become the economic cases especially prominent characteristics ofeconomic crime cases. Visible due to the quality of business is complicated, combinedwith the transformation of social system and social interests differentiation, differences of moral standards, the group of justice officials are confronted by a verystern test. Thus, in the interaction of enterprise and the government will inevitablyhidden illegal trading, discipline, and the loss of social morality, which derive a lot ofcompanies seeking political behavior and make the enterprise of political behaviorought to be far from the normal side. This is the theme of this article research——non-canonical exchange between local government and private enterprises. From theperspective of exchange theory, this article first defines the concept of an exchange ofspecification, and outlines several forms the non-canonical exchange, thenrespectively from view of three theoretical concepts which are the exchange theory, thegovernment to capture theory and the method of nationalism.On the basis of the exchange theoretical analysis, combining the current situationof the development of private enterprises in our country, the article focused on amechanism analysis, and summed up the reasons and problems. I use two examples:the government-leading non-canonical exchange–Sun-tech dominated by enterprisesbankruptcy reorganization and non-canonical exchange-case Huang Ming solarenergy as the empirical analysis part, in order to verify the results of analysis of theabove chapters. Finally, in the normative enterprise countermeasure and the suggestionof exchange relationship aspect, this paper argues that local government should bechange to the concept and evaluation methods, establishing government self-disciplinemechanism and self-discipline mechanism, and market mechanism should beestablished in order to make the enterprise become the market main body in the truesense. From the angle of the government, they should reduce the decentralization, andmake the transform function, returning to the role of providing public services andpublic goods,and they also should regulate the use of administrative discretion. Fromthe point of view of the enterprise, they should further perfect the governance structure,improve enterprise’s capacity for independent innovation, and actively undertake socialresponsibility. From the point of the society as a whole system of heteronomy,enterprise exchange relationship of specification cannot operate well withoutsupervision and restriction of enterprise stakeholders, non-standardized exchangepunishment mechanism also needs to be established.
Keywords/Search Tags:government-business relations, Irregular exchange between the localgovernment and private enterprises, Harmful political behavior of enterprises
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