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Research On The Process Of Marxism Social Evolution In China

Posted on:2015-03-07Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y C HanFull Text:PDF
GTID:2296330467955131Subject:Marxism in China
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Evolution is a theoretical issue that attracts the attention of human being all over theworld. Meanwhile, it is an issue that concerns the humanity survival or extinction. Thedevelopment of Marxist social evolution is the basic and core content of Marxist theory.It is the scientific world outlook and methodology. Proletariat could use this theory tosolve the contradiction during the process of the social evolution and point the way forthe human being.Since the founding of the People’s Republic of China, Chinese people persistentlyuphold Marxism social evolution and integrate it with China’s own practice. Until now,Marxist social evolution combined with the Chinese practice has achieved two historicleaps theoretical results in China. The first leap achieved in the early Chinesenew-democratic revolution and socialist construction. During that period, Marxisttheory of social development combined with the specific conditions of China formed anew theory as the Mao Zedong’s development theory of society. Mao Zedong’s theoryindicated the direction of the Chinese social development and laid the foundation ofcurrent development of Chinese society. After the new era of reform and opening of theThird Plenum of the Party, China ushered in the second leap as a result of integratingMarxist theory of social development with the reform and modernized construction. Itwas called socialist theoretical system with Chinese characteristics. This system isnewest theoretical result of the process of sinicization of Marxism, leading toscientifically build and develop the socialism with Chinese characteristics.This thesis insists on dialectical methodology and historical materialism worldoutlook. The research on innovation in the process of sinicization of Marxism is basedon the literatures, histories and unified logical methods. It provides a revelationregarding to the process of sinicization of Marxism, including:1. the evolution ofsocialism with Chinese characteristics must always persist in the Marxist socialdevelopment theory.2. it must insist on everything for the people’s standpoint and thereform as a power to promote social development.3. five civilization constructionsmust be overall and harmoniously developed.4. the goal to build a well-off society willnever be changed.
Keywords/Search Tags:Marxism, Theory of social development, Sinicizatio
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