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The Study Of Group Events In The Perspective Of Public Policy Making

Posted on:2015-04-28Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:P P WangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2296330467951370Subject:Administrative Management
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Modernization is the process that people’s consciousness of rights constantly awakes and governance mode changes. At present, the reform and opening up deepen continuously, the transition of the economic system, the reform of political system and social structure adjustment are intertwined, society in the interests of the original pattern continuously mitotic recombinates. As the high level of economic development is lagging behind the social system uncoordinated, problems have become increasingly prominent. Market economic system is not mature, interest distribution mechanism is not perfect, perplexing social contradictions increasingly intensify, for example, workers of state-owned enterprises large-scale lay off, farmer’s interests in the land acquisition and resettlement are eroded,the growing environment pollution and food safety issues frequently emerge, the abuse of public power and public officials in corruption become severe. Vulnerable groups are in the bottom of the society, whose legitimate rights and interests are often seen infringement case. China has played with various group events, which seriously impact on social and public order, and interfere the healthy and orderly development of economic construction.Worthy of our reflection, numerous mass incidents are caused by the failure of the public policy. The makers of public policy are in the absence of concept of people-oriented and the ability to foresaw social problems and deal with problems, and tired in the tommyrot of government performance evaluation mechanism, the above-mentioned cause the policy mistakes, which directly damage to the interests of the masses, and lit the fuse of group events. And in the process of the policy,"black box operation" breeds ground for corruption corruption, and the power alienates, the information is not open and the lack of interaction with the public, so it is difficult to truly understand the demands of the people, additionally social supervisions lack,which provide the "protective umbrella for policy mistakes". The policy opinion deletes in the process, which causes the public policy legitimacy foundation to shake, that hamperes policy implementation, and group sex seeds of the trouble. In the social context of the interests of the public demands of channels and the right relief channel are not smooth, it is difficult for people whose legal quality is lack to solve the present dilemma, and in the pursuit of survival pressure, they seek a group event dependence. After the game with the government repeatedly, the processing results of group event also let people believe the validity of this approach.However, there are many mass rallies, marches, demonstrations, blocking traffic on the way, and often violent clashes that the state organs to implement vandalism and other behavior in group enents. That often accompanied by bloodshed, which seriously disrupts the social public order, brings great loss to people’s lives and property. At the same time, it also raises additional obstacles for the development of society orderly, and not conducive to building a harmonious socialist society. In recent years, the number of group events has become more and more, and the extent of organization has grown,"opinion leader" role has been demonstrated.The application of technical means, especially the combination of power network and strong impact force larger damage.It increased social management pressure.So the prevention and cure of the group events become a very urgent task.To effectively guarantee the public policy science and democracy has become one of the important ways to prevent and resolve group events. Adhering to the people-oriented in the formulation of public policy process, improving the quality of public policy, ensuring public participation in public policy and increasing public support for the policy is particularly important. To fully improve the participation of the public and the expression mechanism and make it play its proper role, become a good governance group events. The perfect of the system of people’s Congress, the political consultative system, grass-roots organization and management system, and the hearing system are indispensable. At the same time, the public benefit demand channel patency is indispensable, the improvement and reform the communication and coordination mechanism and the mechanism of rights relief mechanism need to speed up the process. The legal quality of the people to improve the effective resolve group events also plays an important role, how to effectively promote the socialist rule of law, the process of democratization, and improve the scientification and democratization of public policy has become a very urgent task.
Keywords/Search Tags:Group events, Public policy making, Interest demands, Legal validity
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