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Research On The Anti Malfeasance Procuratorial Integration Mechanism

Posted on:2015-09-21Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:W F YuFull Text:PDF
GTID:2296330467486339Subject:Administrative Management
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Anti malfeasance prosecution system as an important component of China’s procuratorial system, its design philosophy is rooted in the Chinasociety’s culture, brand culture system with the typical characteristics ofChina. The prosecutorial power as its parent, its emergence anddevelopment has experienced a long process of development, and firmly based on the Chinese society, in its essence, is experienced several generations or even dozens of generations China political elite continue to explore, continue to learn from and discard the results. The establishment and development of China’s procuratorial system, not only draw the good experience of other countries of continental law system, it inherits the ancient Chinese censor system, rooted in the socialistpolitical soil, are different from other countries. However, due to the characteristics of crime of malfeasance, at present our country’s anti malfeasance procuratorial work is still in its infancy, anti malfeasanceprocuratorial integration mechanism is not effectively play its due role,and the requirement of scientific development and the gap, cannotassume combat duty crime, punish corruption, the construction of socialist political civilization, promoting law responsibility the implementation of the strategies in accordance with the law. In this context, this paper is to perfect our anti malfeasance prosecution systemas the highest hope, to find a feasible way in anti malfeasanceprocuratorial integration mechanism construction, has made the preliminary inquiry.In this paper, in contrast to countries in the world mainly procuratorial system, absorb the basis of Chinese ancient outstanding theoryachievement, through the comparative analysis method, summarizes theexisting in our country’s anti malfeasance procuratorial integrationmechanism, and the structure analysis for the longitudinal study, cross-sectional method to classified comparison, combined with the work of anti malfeasance its own characteristics, put forward some ideas of anti malfeasance procuratorial integration, top-level design to reform thesystem reform, the national special proper separation of subject construction of Anti-Corruption Judicial Institutions--national anti-corruption bureau set up and anti malfeasance prosecution occupationability of anti-corruption institutions national vertical management andjudicial jurisdiction and administrative region of the prosecutor malfeasance system; to anti malfeasance procuratorial investigation integration, integration of investigation and prevention, investigation andarrest lawsuit integration, department cooperation integration content construction into concrete measures, including anti graft integration mechanism of tort procuratorial internal and external supervisionconstruction and security construction. Multi angle, all-roundconstruction of a suitable condition of Chinese anti integrationmechanism for malfeasance prosecution.This paper is not only caused by system designers know creation of the importance of anti malfeasance prosecution system reform, but also for the anti malfeasance prosecutions in the future to find a practicalapproach, this article focuses on the construction of anti malfeasanceprocuratorial integration mechanism, and puts forward corresponding suggestions from two aspects of the design and concrete measures the rule of law and the rule of law, the thinking way of preventing and combating corruption, malfeasance crime, in order to increase the power in the sunshine operation, give full play to the role of legal supervision of the procuratorial organ.
Keywords/Search Tags:anti malfeasance, legal supervision, integration, mechanism
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