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Research On China’s Rural Family Pension Mode Model

Posted on:2016-09-28Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y SunFull Text:PDF
GTID:2296330467483378Subject:Social security
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Now with the growing number of elderly population aging trend overall problemis getting worse, while the pension problem has gradually become an issue thegovernment and the community of great concern, particularly concerned aboutpension issues in rural areas. For a long time rural elderly pension model family-basedpension model, but with the development and progress as well as changes in thevalues of society and economy, the traditional model of family pension in a gradualdecline in the proportion of financial support, life care and spiritual comfort featuresweakening, the family alone can not meet the pension needs of the elderly, so now weneed to explore the development of the modern era for a new model of family pension.Family pension model for new in-depth study, plays a vital role in improving ruralpension situation, to meet the needs of the elderly and improve the rural old-agepension and pension service system aspects.This paper is divided into six parts, the first part is an introduction, mainly on thesubject source, purpose, significance, research status-related home and abroad,research and innovation. The second part is an overview of rural family pension mode,including the definition of family pension mode, the basic characteristics of theformation and comparative family pension and social endowment model. The thirdpart is the theoretical basis of our suburban family pension mode, mainly fromnurturing style endowment theory, theory of intergenerational exchange and pensionsupport system theory expounded unfold. The fourth part is the status of rural pensionand family pension mode current trends to Shijiazhuang City, Yin Shan Village, forexample, choose a typical village and introduced the basic situation, through fieldinvestigation pension situation, analyze the changes and trends in the rural familypension mode pointed out that the future should be combined with the development ofsociety, the implementation of the new family pension mode, clear the contents of thenew model of family pension. The fifth part of the new family pension mode recognition evaluation and analysis, index system, according to the expert scoringmethod to determine the index weight, take the grill get the questionnaire surveymethod to quantify the processing to identify the extent of the new model of familypension to do A detailed evaluation. The sixth part of the new family pension modeperfect suggestions for our country in the field of pension problems ofrecommendations.
Keywords/Search Tags:The new model of family pension, Identity Evaluation, Suggestion
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