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The Evaluation Of Documents Forming Time Appraisal Technology And The Study Of Improve Meansures

Posted on:2015-01-16Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y J DengFull Text:PDF
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Documents relative practice, forming time assessment instrument sort is various,but each instrument has its limitations, and may not apply to all types of forming timeidentification. However appraisal practice with a kind of instrument do all types offorming time assessment case, or a case in several kinds of identification of theinstrument case often can be seen. This gives more confusion to the identification ofthe formation of a unified technical standard time.This article through the analysis ofall kinds of instruments and equipment associated with forming time assessmentapplicable principle, the authorized scope, time limit and so on, the comparison ofvarious identification technology, and put forward rectification opinions ofunreasonable phenomenon, in the practice of making documents forming timeassessment to control chaos.This article first introduces the formation time identification of several kinds ofwriting often appears, seals of ink types, from the analysis of ball-point pen inks, inkpen inks and common seal seals, the composition of as below for various inkcomposition to select the optimal appraisal technology laid a foundation. Second, onthe use of the current appraisal practice, the main equipment are described in detail,analyze gas chromatograph, liquid chromatograph, the thin layer chromatograph,Fourier infrared spectrometer and scanner, the appraisal principle, appraisal scope,time limit of detection, so as to compare the classification. Again, based on theanalysis of the previous articles, which leads to the article to express the heart of thedocuments identified in practice there are a lot of confusion is not clear, in this sectionthe author expounds the various identification of the cause of chaos. Finally, carry onthe above, the author proposed from two aspects of inside and outside the system fordocument identify chaos in practice. In our country such a no formation timeidentification of national unified operation specification, if you want to set up acomplete set of strict operation specification is quite difficult, I hope with reference toother technical inspection standard, you can set the time identification method issuitable for our country the formation of the unified operation specification.Judicial authentication practices, have been the chaos phenomenon documentsforming time of assessment is not exceptional also, often because of these techniquesis too professional, combined with our country in the aspect of identification documents forming time no unified operation specification, so in practice an appraiserissued by the majority opinion directly adopted by the judge, and think deeply aboutits correct or not is very few, so has been prevailing trend. This paper hope throughthe analysis of the principle of all kinds of instruments and equipment, according tothe principle to determine the instrument can be used to do the identification, at thesame time give a time limit to the amount they can identify range, hope can be in thecorrect identification technology now exists in the contribution.
Keywords/Search Tags:Documents forming time, Identification technology, phenomena, countermeasures, study
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