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Electronic Monitoring System Research On The Effectiveness Of Administrative Power Operation

Posted on:2015-06-13Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y L ChangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2296330467462303Subject:Administrative Management
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Our country is in a period of economic rapid development and transformation, which facing the political and economic pressure from domestic and international, and the government administrative power operation also exist a series of problems at the same time. Such as the problem of corruption, information transparency, administrative efficiency, administrative supervision and other issues have been gradually hinder our country forward. in this case, we need to not only to seek the transformation of administrative philosophy at the macro level, but also to carry out administrative power at the micro level, to find a new way of administrative power to adapt and guide the progress of the society.In order to solve these problems, the promotion and application of e-gov ernment, to some extent, limits the "black-box" phenomena in the administrati ve examination and approval. Electronic monitoring system is a government s oftware application system, has the functions of supervision over the admini strative power, which gradually developed based on "e-government" system, s ome scholars also call it electronic monitoring system. This article through th e analysis of "T" city’s electronic monitoring system, analyzes its working pri nciple, how to convert the macro administrative supervision policy to supervis ion means. And come to the conclusion the positive effect on solve the probl em of Corruption, information opaque, inefficiency, regulatory failure. The app lication of electronic monitoring system is not only the innovation of administ rative supervision departments use modern advanced technology relative to the traditional administrative supervision, as well as playa role of supplement to traditional administrative supervision, which lack of manpower and technology means and weaknesses complement, in this to prompt the transformation of a dministrative power operation mode. Make the spirit of "the people are master s of the country,"which come from the constitution, and the administrative id ea of "serving the people" through the whole process of administrative power operation.
Keywords/Search Tags:Electronic monitoring system, administrative power, corruption, supervisory, effectiveness
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