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Research On The Evolution Of Cai Hesen’s Thought Of Party Building

Posted on:2015-12-07Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:J TianFull Text:PDF
GTID:2296330467456292Subject:Marxism in China
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Cai Hesen is not only a great theorist, but also an outstanding propagandist andactivist in the early development of the CPC. His initiative in Party building ideologyis based on deep understanding of Marxism-Leninism and scientific understanding ofthe Bolsheviks as well as the Comintern’s party founding principles. His partybuilding ideology is systematically discussed depending on principles of CommunistParty of the Soviet Union and the Comintern. Overall it seems that his ideas are notstatic, but is evolved with both revolutionary situation in China and the understandingof Marxism-Leninism. Today promoting the Marxism in China has always been oneof the major themes in our times. Cai Hesen’s party founding ideology is not only amajor theoretical achievement of our party in that era, but also the importanttheoretical results during process of Marxism in China. Research on Cai Hesen’s partyfounding ideology is of vital and practical significance for us to strengthen andimprove Marxism in Chinese style, to make it better match the times, and morepopular among the ordinary people.There is a process of emergence and development in Cai Hesen’s thought andthis thesis is mainly on the aforementioned process and the traits in the evolution ofhis thought. The article is divided into several sections as follows: The first part is anintroduction which illustrates research meaning, research method and research status.Against this background of the early20th century, the second part discusses what CaiHesen saw and heard, felt and thought during his part-time work to support hiscollege study in France, and deeply analysises the influence on the ideology formationbefore the establishment of the CPC. The third part introduces Cai Hesen partyfounding ideology (1922-1931) from several angles, which are before and after hebecame deputy of the Second National Congress of the CPC; early First Cooperation;during the period of the communist international; Period around the failure of1927Revolution until1931. The following part summarizes the evolution trajectories andtraits of Cai Hesen’s thought, and the last one explores important implications of CaiHesen’s party founding ideology for strengthening our party building and improve theparty ’s governing capacity.In conclusion, I will discuss how Cai Hesen’s thought of party building hasoccupied the important historical position and the directive function of it to the Party’sadvanced construction on the current.
Keywords/Search Tags:Cai Hesen, Party building thought, evolution
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