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Court Procedures To Verify The Technical Investigation Of Evidence To Construct

Posted on:2015-06-13Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:L ZhouFull Text:PDF
GTID:2296330467454341Subject:Procedural Law
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
The amendment to the Criminal Procedure technical investigation measures werestandardized, and provides evidence obtained through technical investigationmeasures in court if necessary, can be verified. In itself, the concept of technicalinvestigation of the presence of vague situation, the technical investigation measuresapplicable legislation regulating the presence of risk, based on this technology alsoallows for evidence obtained in the investigation carried out to verify the court, a bitcheeky. Faced with this situation, the concept of standardized technicalinvestigation, especially constructed to verify the technical investigation of courtevidence procedure has become an inevitable requirement. Adhering to controlling theentire program settings, the principle of prudence, in order to reduce its scope,subject, location and so on. Before building the technical investigation of courtevidence verification procedures must be standardized concept for the technicalinvestigation, which is the premise and basis of the entire construction process,throughout the process, and needs to analyze the particularity of the technicalinvestigation of evidence, to some extent, this particularity determines the specificcontent of the follow-up program settings, is one of the core content of this paper.Identify and analyze the concept of specificity is also the difficulty of this article. Thebiggest difficulty is also herein provided herein is the most important part of theprogram. Set the program to focus on integrity issues related to the analysis of the court ’s analysis of the characteristics of cross-examination, to determine the place ofparticipation, the analysis involved in the main body of the program during thearrangements to protect the rights of the parties and relief programs, are unable toavoid the problem. After setting the entire program, and associated ancillary systemssuch as Evidence Discovery System, technical investigation of evidence sealedsystem, legal aid system. Anyway, I hope that a reasonable set of procedures to reducethe negative impact caused by this procedure applies, the value of this program toplay the proceedings...
Keywords/Search Tags:echnical investigation, court, verification procedures
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