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Research On Administrative Costs Expenditures And Management Of County Government

Posted on:2016-06-28Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:T XiangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2296330464974893Subject:Local government
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Since the 1980s, the world launched a new public management movement, this emphasis on reform of public administration in the field of efficiency and output, encourage fiscal driven to get the best goals with the least cost. To this end, governments have through staff reductions, performance management, budget cuts, financial control, the introduction of competition mechanism reform measures to reduce the size of government administrative costs. New Public Management reforms in government, especially the administrative cost control has a positive effect. China’s administrative reform has been largely with the world, and continue to advance in depth. In recent years, China’s efforts to promote conservation-minded society and conservation-oriented government, and efforts to explore the transformation of government functions, to build a service-oriented government, under the control of public finances premise provide better public services to the public. With increasing social progress and citizen participation, administration cost of growing attention of the party and the government as well as the general public, to reduce administrative costs is increasing. Local governments in the county government as an important part in reducing the administrative costs of building a conservation-oriented government plays an important role. Through the research on the administrative costs of county government expenditures, seeking to optimize management path of administrative costs of county government.The full text is divided into four chapters, the first part of the introduction to the main research background and the same are described on the current research, and research related to the concept elaborated methods and ideas of the sort. The second part is based on the county government’s operations and administrative costs occurred during the discussion of the administrative costs of county government structure, and analyzes the influencing factors of county government administrative costs. Part Ⅲ reviews the situation of China since the founding of the county government administrative costs and features, and analyzes the administrative costs of county government current problems. According to the status and problems of the fourth part of the administrative costs of county government, county government to explore the administrative cost control targets and pathways, and thus lay the foundation for the construction of a clean and efficient government.
Keywords/Search Tags:Administrative costs, the county government, expenditures, conservation-oriented government
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