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The Research Of Drug-incrimination

Posted on:2014-11-26Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:X M SheFull Text:PDF
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Narcotics one hundred years, the population increased a hundredfold drug, drug prices increased a thousandfold. Instead of drugs has not been wiped out, but more and more serious. Types of drugs developed from opium, coca into heroin and other new drugs, drug production requires a large amount of farmland from development to only need a small laboratory. Faced with the grim drug control situation, since the 1980s, expressed the hope that the provisions of national laws to criminalize drug use, began to explore a new anti-drug method, a system, trafficking, together with the United Nations Convention to combat suck. But this also raises a series of questions.This paper reviews the history of the international anti-drug, combined with the development, changes in the international drug conventions to illustrate the proposed UN Convention incrimination has its rationality, and a series of questions arising from the idea. In response to this treaty which the United Nations Convention, the paper analyzes the status quo Narcotics Japan, the United States, the Netherlands, the three countries and how these countries deal with the treaty, combined with China’s national conditions, the status quo and the existing anti-drug anti-drug measures to try Looking for a new way to break through criminal penalties existing legal framework, not just limited to the mandatory detention, hoping to open up a new anti-drug road.
Keywords/Search Tags:Drug-incrimination, Drug offenses, Feasibility, Criminal Policy, Drug possession
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