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On The Construction Of Administrative Public Prosecution System In China

Posted on:2016-05-21Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Z F XuFull Text:PDF
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
China express and standard of administrative litigation law of the administrative litigation mode, from the practical point of view, to solve the long-standing "Min gao guan" provides an effective platform, to a certain extent, not only to curb the powers of the executive authorities, and one is a concentrated expression of the rule of law. However, the types of litigation since the administrative procedure law itself provides few shortcomings in system design, for the power of the Executive Force also needs to be further strengthened and so on. Therefore, we must build our administrative public prosecution system to solve these problems.Paper total is divided into six a part:first part from administrative prosecution of concept, and appeared of features and and general administrative prosecution of compared to on administrative prosecution for overview; second part from modern right, theory on established administrative prosecution system based for discusses; third part main described has administrative prosecution system in world main method Department in of development situation, and according to China actual for analysis and reference; IV part main is from power checks and balances of needs, and guarantees law administrative of needs and maintenance public interests purposes, three a aspects, Discusses building administrative prosecution system of necessity; v part main is from China established administrative prosecution system of conditions increasingly mature, and prosecutorial organ filed administrative prosecution is best of run way, two a aspects to described building administrative prosecution system of feasibility; VI part main is proposed building administrative prosecution system of some recommends:first described has for administrative prosecution of principles, then described has administrative prosecution of by case range, last for administrative prosecution as qian reset program, and v qian program, basic program for has preliminary of idea.
Keywords/Search Tags:administrative public prosecution system construction, public interest, prosecutors
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