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Invetigation And Countermeasure About The Residing Apart From Registration Place In Shanghai

Posted on:2015-09-14Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:T YuanFull Text:PDF
GTID:2296330464457951Subject:Public administration
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Since the 1990s, the residing apart from registration place as the phenomenon of population migration happening in the city becomes expanding and increasing. It brings a series of social economic problems and produces special demand of public service. How to deal with problems of city development, social management and public service correctly and offer rational and efficient service management are the topics that governments at all levels should pay attention to and research. Paper concerning this issue, as Shanghai for example, combines with survey data and analyze influences of the separation. Considering Shanghai present working situation, this paper researches how to manage the separation rationally and efficiently.First, according to population migration and the demand of public service theory, paper presents two conceptual analysis frameworks:current situation research and service management system. In current situation research, paper based on "Dual push-pull separation" hypothesis, emphasizes on policy, economy and selectivity. In the service management system, paper pays attention to function, mechanism, information and social support.Paper surveys the growing scale, regional distribution, architectural feature, consequences and public demand. Combining with the revolution and practice of service management, we find four problems existing in Shanghai current service management system:unclear function, imperfect mechanism, obstructed information and lack of social support. On the basis of population management experience in other countries and places, paper produces a series of suggestions according to public service and management theory.
Keywords/Search Tags:Registered Population, Residing Apart from Registration Place, Administer, Discuss
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