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The Grassroots Work Mechanism Innovation Research In The New Period

Posted on:2016-03-19Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:L L ShiFull Text:PDF
GTID:2296330464452624Subject:Marxism in China
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Mass work is the every countries of the ruling party must be done in every periods. Mass work is the base and key of all the work of the party and it is not only related to the interests of the masses of the people to maintain and implement, but also related to the rise and fall success or failure of the party’s business, and more related to the consolidation of the party’s ruling foundation and the ruling status. The communist party of China has attached great importance to the work and maintained the "close ties with the masses" as the party’s fine style for a long time. Both in the period of democratic revolution and the new socialist modernization construction period, the communist party of China always firmly relying on the people, have made the great achievements of the revolution, construction and reform, and has accumulated valuable experience of mass work.Mass work, as it were, is a long-term political task and working topic of the communist party of China.Mass work is often new problems. With the deepening of reform and opening up and booming development of socialist modernization construction, our country’s political, economic, cultural, social and other complex and profound changes have taken place in every aspect.Under the new situation of the CPC central committee in the new period in the development of the deepening practice of "four", a comprehensive reform in all areas of society. The interests of the original pattern has been broken, new interest has not yet fully formed. Diversification of the interests of the social and economic life in the present and maximizing the interests, contradiction complicate the situation, make the party’s mass work especially the grassroots work face many new problems and new challenges. The grass-roots is administrative units directly related to the lowest level of the peasants,The grass-roots is the lowest level among all other organizations, it contacts with the masses, especially peasants most directly and is the area full of contradictory. If the grassroots work solution is not good, it will not conducive to the ruling foundation consolidation, and will greatly affect the stability of the regime. Therefore, how to according to the needs of situation development to innovate grass-roots work mechanism, how to improve the scientific level of the grassroots work in the new period has becoming the current urgent problems need to solve. The paper regard The Eighteenth National Congress of the CPC、The Third and the Fourth Plenary Session of the eighteen spirit as guidelines, through in-depth field investigation and interviews, and regard mass work mechanism of "civil union solution system" in Fuchuan county in Guangxi as the breakthrough point, analysis of the operation situation of grass-roots work, results, and insufficient; The paper actively explore the working mechanism of the grassroots innovation in the new period of the new path by using the theory of system approach and multidisciplinary analysis method, and aim to view and in combination with the specific about the solution of the people’s production and living problems in further close party-mass relationship, make the grass-roots work changed from virtual to real, and the basic work of the people all over the country more scientific and effective.This paper is divided into five parts. The first part is introduction, mainly including the significance of this thesis and dissertation research methods and research status at home and abroad, the innovation of the place and the insufficiency. It made adequate preparation for the writing of this paper. The second part is the important role of the working mechanism of the grassroots innovation in the new period.This part mainly analyzes the important status of innovation mechanism of grass-roots work, including enriching the sinicization of marxism theory of mass work, deepen the party’s mass work practice in contemporary China, consolidating the party’s ruling basis and ruling status in the new period.The third part is the opportunity and challenge,which basic work of the people in the new period faces. This part analyzes the mass work opportunities in the new period, mainly include:the development of the new media age and the CPC central committee attaches great importance to the grassroots work bring convenience to the mass work. This part analyzes The challenge of the mass work facing now in the new period, mainly includes:the multiple interests and ideas; Mass work subject facing the test of "capacity", mainly reflects in:as the main body part of the party member the leading cadre of mass work service mass consciousness is not strong, still exists the style of bureaucracy and formalism, etc; The manner of masses work lags behind, the masses work mechanism is not sound. The fourth part is the grass-roots work theory and practice in Fuchuan county,Guangxi. This part mainly expounds and analyzes the Fuchuan county in Guangxi in the formation process of "civil union solution system", its main contents, implementation results and the analysis of the causes of deficiencies and shortcomings. Through the case analysis for innovation in the new period the path of the grass-roots work and enhancing the level of the party’s grass-roots work more scientific direction. The fifth part is the path of the working mechanism of the grassroots innovation in the new period. Combining with the basic work of the people in the new period faces difficulties and Fuchuan county in Guangxi exploration work of the masses, summarizing characteristics and experience of the "civil union solution system"of Fuchuan county, targeted argument and put forward to strengthen grass-roots work in the new period and the innovation of new path. Using the principle of the interaction between the subject and object of marxism, that is, the main body, the work object, and the masses mediation work of the benign interaction, by enhancing party members and cadres in their work ability, meeting the growing material and cultural needs and innovating on mass work scientific operation mode to build grass-roots work mechanism of concrete. Mass work mechanism previous mainly involves the subject of a mass work of leading cadres and the masses mediation work methods, without too much consideration as the objects of mass work needs of the broad masses of the people, which ensure that the masses work important and fundamental aspect of scientific and effective operation. This is an aspect of innovation in this paper.
Keywords/Search Tags:in the new period, mass work, mechanism, innovation
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