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Optimization Study Of Dimensional Public Security Prevention And Control System In Guangzhou Haizhu District

Posted on:2016-06-19Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:S D LiFull Text:PDF
GTID:2296330461962570Subject:Public administration
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
With separatist and sabotage activities of the ’three forces’ getting more intensive in recent years, especially after the terrorist attack in Kunming rail station on March 1st 2014, anti-terrorist situation in big cities all over the country is aggravated, and all public security organs have gradually realized the important role of the prevention and control system in city social security management and started to take actions. In the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, the requirement of’Deepen Security Construction and Perfect Dimensional Public Security Prevention and Control System’was proposed, which for the first time considered the public security prevention and control activities as part of the whole system construction and directed public security management into an innovative direction.Haizhu district, located in the center of Guangzhou, is an island surrounded by water. The geographic environment is key to public security in this region. Haizhu district has been a popular place for migrant workers to settle because of convenient public transport and acceptable living cost. Due to uneven economic development and delay in urban reconstruction there are lots of urban villages with big chaos in management. To improve security control efficiency, Haizhu district public security organ is constantly strengthening the establishment of prevention and control system and launching exploration and practice. Thanks to these efforts since 2012 Haizhu public security situation has became better and the criminal rate has decreased. However, problems are still remaining, which render the prevention and control work in a passive and slow-developing status. Only by further optimizing prevention and control routes, practically establishing’ prevention-as-the key’ philosophy, continuously perfecting fundamental network construction of this system, constructing supportive prevention and control working mechanism, could we ensure everlasting public security of Haizhu district.On the basis of theory study and case analysis, in this thesis the overall situation of public security prevention and control system construction and practice was summarized according to literature study, in-field investigation, interviews, working experience, and etc. Moreover, we also compared and learned from the experience in typical big cities, namely Beijing, Wuhan, and etc. The existing problems related to public security prevention and control work were analyzed and the corresponding optimization strategies were also proposed.The main goal of this study is to further perfect the dimensional public security prevention and control system in Haizhu district and improve its working efficiency. And this might remain as a positive reference for other cities in the future.
Keywords/Search Tags:public security prevention and control system, exploration and practice, optimization study
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