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Creditor’s Interest Protection Under The New Registered Capital System

Posted on:2016-06-26Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y LiuFull Text:PDF
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Company is one of the important subjects of modern market economy. Improving and perfecting related legal systems is the essential requirement to achieve the law economic purpose of the socialist.The existing "company law" is introduced on December 29,1993, and it is officially issued and implemented on July 1,1994.On February 25,1999,on August 28,2004, On October 27,2005, on October 27,2013, four correction, the current company law in March 1,2014 formally is issued and implemented. One of the biggest bright spot of the modification is revision for the registered capital law, which conforms to the trend of all national legislation of company law.Taking the private investment into consideration, the modification greatly reduce the threshold to set up enterprises, make it easier for investors entering the market. The "reducing burden" that enterprises establish will make them get rid of the heavy burden of "capital" and lightly, greatly improve the autonomy of operating enterprises,the autonomy of management and wit to respond to the market change.To a great extent, enterprises enliven the market and promote the prosperity and development while they develop themselves. We will pay attention to many problems and challenges that the new system of registered capital brings about when it manifests their powerful economy advantages.This paper will be divided into three parts to analyze creditors benefit protection under the new system of registered capital. The first part focuses on the main contents of the system of registered capital when the "company law" is revised;The second part divides into three small parts to analyze the necessity and importance of protecting creditors, the deficiency of company law and new challenges in protecting creditors’ interests under the new system of registered capital; in this paper, the third part is to analyze mechanism to solve problems, improvement of related laws and establishment of new laws. This paper expects our nation to solve emerging problems and to respond to new challenges preferably under the new system of registered capital by perfecting and building up related laws.
Keywords/Search Tags:The new registered capital, creditor, protection, improvement
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