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E-commerce Consumers Personal Information Protection Problem Reseach

Posted on:2016-05-22Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y L LiangFull Text:PDF
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
In this area of globalization and information technology, constantly updated information technology and the increasing open network environment, which makes the electronic commerce develop rapidly. But the open strong in the Internet platform, due to the characteristics of virtual, liquidity, the hidden network itself has no borders that makes online consumer rights and interests face severe challenges, especially the security of personal information which has suffered serious damage. In our country, because of the social consciousness, science and technology as well as the legislative planning etc, the protection of personal information has not been pain more attention, especially the protection of personal information in the legislation which can be counted on one’s fingers. Facing the situation of consumer personal information safety of electronic commerce is becoming more and more serious, the legislation of our country should follow the development of the times, formulate special personal information protection, the use of personal information for effective regulation. Article starts with the basic problems of e-commerce consumers personal information, analysis the necessity of electronic commerce consumers personal information protection and legislation present situation, then analyzes e-commerce consumers personal information security problems and reasons, on the basis of this puts forward Suggestions to protect the safety of electronic commerce consumers’ personal information.
Keywords/Search Tags:the electronic commerce consumer, personal inform ation, protection
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