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Comparative Invention Patent Achievements Legal Mechanism Between China And Japan

Posted on:2015-01-12Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:L HeFull Text:PDF
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Since the mid-20thcentury, Japan has recovered its economy, and relied on the newcompetitive way of scientific and technological innovation to capture the worldeconomic market gradually. Japan has gradually become a world economic powercountry through encouraging and supporting the using of science and technology andthrough expanding the market share.As a country nearby Japan, China is far behind Japan both in practice and systemin the area of technological innovation. With the acceleration of economic globalization,the market is improving its requirement in terms of scientific innovation. Thegovernment and enterprise should put more effort into the research and protection of theresearch achievement to response the requirements of the market.The government andenterprise also should support the science and technology investment of new industryand improve the level of technology though providing incentives. As an indispensablepart of the integrity of industry, universities are increasingly becoming the main force ofscientific innovation; therefore, the study and protection of the invention patents ofuniversities are increasingly occupying an important position.This paper is based on the study and research of the concerned Japanese data, andadopts the meaning of comparative analysis and data analysis to compare thesimilarities and differences between China and Japan in terms of university inventionpatent transformation.In the case of the increasingly fierce trade friction,this thesis regard the mainagency of market research——universities as the research object to analyze.In this paper, the first chapter uses the comparative study of related concepts ofuniversity invention potent transformation between Japan and China as the mainresearch direction of this paper. As the foundation of the whole paper, the second chapter comparatively analyzes the current situation of the university invention patenttransformation between Japan and China. The third chapter comparatively analyzes thelegal system of the university invention patent transformation between Japan and China.The fourth chapter summarized Japan’s transformation system of university patent andproposed views upon the mechanism of China’s university patent transformationachievement...
Keywords/Search Tags:Invention patent, University patent, Legal mechanism
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