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The Reserving Or Abolishing Research Of Abstentions System In The Voting Procedures Of National People’s Congress

Posted on:2015-07-07Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:J SunFull Text:PDF
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
With the development of China’s legal community, Congress voting system in thetwists and turns in toward democratic, scientific, rationalization direction change. Animportant part of the people’s congress system is the voting system, the voting wasindirect Congress to help people manage state affairs means; are at the crucial point of theDemocratic Congress program. NPC and its Standing Committee legislation, decisions onmajor issues, supervision and personnel appointment and removal of four power bydeputies voting procedures are implemented. Therefore, whether the voting systemscience, how to improve the degree of influence the decision-making organs of statepower can correct, Congress can properly achieve power, more directly related to the willof the people can accurately be achieved. Our right to vote is an important right under thelaw of deputies. China’s current law very clearly defines the motion put to the vote, thedeputies may have three attitudes: for, against or abstained. This is determined from thelaw of abstention is an expression of the will of independence, it represents a vote neitherfor nor against people wishes it and in favor of the legal status against are equal, parallel,there is no intersection the. In practice, however, abstention has completely lost theindependent legal status, thus causing the theoretical system of academic abstentionabolition of the dispute. Analysis of the article describes the basic theory of abstentionand the associated areas of particular focus abstentions and against, invalidated, did notparticipate in the meeting to distinguish the phenomenon, the article analyzes of deputiesabstained in the voting process reasons, to foreign multiple instances as the basis,combined with China ’s national conditions determine abstention stage presence made thepros and cons, keep on for an overview of the theoretical academic abstention and theabolition of the views put forward our deputies abstained in the voting procedurerecommended the abolition of the system, believe that our current system existsabstention is very meaningful, but we want to provide more conditions for the realizationof the value of abstention, in order to achieve a better representative of the deputies of thepeople’s will. Deputies must be properly treat abstentions, scientific, serious attitudewhile with a fair heart to exercise the powers conferred by law.
Keywords/Search Tags:NPC deputy, Voting procedures, The abstention system, The abstention vote
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