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Research On The Relief System Of Criminal Victims

Posted on:2015-04-15Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:L L WangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2296330431996890Subject:Criminal procedure law
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
In China, the criminal is the victim who suffered crimes against the legitimate rights and interestsdirectly, but also in the judicial practice of the most easily overlooked groups. As a special criminalviolations, damage caused to the victims is enormous, even fatal. However, most of the criminal victimscould not get adequate compensation from the offender place, resulting in their troubled lives, becomesocially marginalized populations, resulting revenge on the Square and a series of social problems andundermine the stability of the social order. News is that, in the context of building a harmonious society,the criminal victim relief system has been widely proposed and the pilot, I also follow the trend of socialdevelopment, through several aspects of the criminal victim relief system are discussed and put forwardtheir views.The first part of the paper focuses on the analysis of criminal victims and criminal victim assistancesystem concepts and values to pursue. Taking into account the natural remedies welfare system itself, sothis should be specific to the criminal victims against criminal behavior by making personal, property orother interests have suffered damage, but because of the lack of adequate compensation for leaving thetroubled life. Correspondingly, criminal victim relief system refers to the national law or policy basis, totake the necessary measures to mitigate the economic loss of victims, to ease the economic difficulties ofthe victims of a system of care. I believe that the value of the pursuit of criminal victim relief system shouldinclude coordination with members of the national community relations, the full protection of human rightsand building a harmonious society three aspects.The second part of this paper is on common law and civil law Criminal Victims Relief System. Theinfluence of traditional culture and circumstances of common law and civil law, as well as the two legalsystems of the various countries and regions have some differences, for the relief of victims of criminalregime, but in general, most countries will have a criminal victims Relief in national legal systems andregulations among the relief system and the contents of the object is nothing less than relief, reliefconditions, sources of funding relief, relief agencies and procedures. These are on the Construction of the criminal system to provide relief to the victims of reference, in line with national laws conform to the spiritof the development trend of international law, we need a comprehensive understanding of the relevantprovisions of foreign countries, fully learn from their good side, and then provide recommendations for theimprovement of related systems.The third part of the paper, the status of criminal victims and relief system to analyze the problemsraised. It is undeniable that our criminal victims in relief has made great efforts in many areas has become avictim relief pilot to help them live out of the woods and get a good social effect. However, due to the lackof relevant laws and regulations, the pilot of the criminal victims relief system to a series of problems, asdemonstrated by the lack of systematic, long-term, the program is unreasonable, financial security is not inplace. In this regard, it should analyze the reasons for this paradox exists, provide a basis for solving theproblem.The fourth part of this paper is divided into perfect relief to victims of criminal punishment systemrecommendations. In this section, the author of relief for the victims of the criminal system, the object inrelief, relief standards, sources of funds and relief relief program put forward their own proposals.Currently, the Criminal Victims Relief legal system is not a simple level, it has become a socialproblem, and is currently in a critical period of building a harmonious society, so that the victim becomes acriminal remedies established system has become a top priority. I hope to initiate and contribute to a forcefor the construction of China’s Criminal Victims Relief System.
Keywords/Search Tags:victims, criminal victims, relief system
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