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Trademark Legal Risk Prevention Research

Posted on:2015-08-16Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:W WangFull Text:PDF
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Our trademark protection in the exploratory stage, due to the trademark legalsystem is not sound, trademark law publicity is not in place, resulting in enterpriselegal consciousness, preemptive registering of trademark, near the famous, hitchhikiphenomenon were common. The higher popularity trademarks, hoping to profit by thepossibility of carrying higher goodwill. To better protect the interests of enterprisetrademark, trademark law need to make prevention and control risks.This article combined with the trademark legal system focuses on description ofthe definition, characteristics of trademark legal risks, interpretation of theimportance of trademark legal risks to the enterprise from a legal perspective,analyzes the trademark of the manifestations of the legal risks. Description of thepresent situation of the trademark risk prevention, problems and potentialcauses.Introduce trademark pre-protection systems, such as trademark dilution systemand defensive trademark system, prevent at sourse, avoid possible trademark legalrisk in advance. Establish a system of trademark information to provide informationsupport to the existing state of the trademark and potential threat. Enhance corporateemphasis on trademark legal risks, enhance their ability to perceive trademark legalrisks, risk analysis, risk prevention capabilities. Use means of law to avoidtrademark legal risks, the trademark continues to have significant, protection oftrademark rights.
Keywords/Search Tags:Trademark Legal Risk, Risk Prevention, Preemptive Registering ofTrademark, Trademark Dilution
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