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Legal Regulation On Post Internship Labourremuneration

Posted on:2014-06-01Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:X H HuangFull Text:PDF
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Since the reform and opening up, the market economy system of our country gr adually built up, workers in China grows, species diversity, to safeguard the legitimate rights and interests of workers, China’s labor lawsystem also gradually improve. In January1,1995, China’s implementation of "labor law", the majority of the legitimate rights and interests of workerswith the legal protection of real. With the implementa tion of the January1,2008"labor contract law" and "social insurance law" in July1,2011, China’s labor law system is increasingly perfect, provides legal guarantee more and more comprehensive for workers. In the majority of the legitimate rights and int erests of workers are protected by law on the occasion, but there is a class of laboure rs always walk in the edge of the labor law, cannot obtain the effective protection of labor law, this kind of special labor is post intern.In reality, the majority of the post int erns employers post often treatedunfairly, especially labor remuneration interns, often ca nnot obtain the safeguard, or labor remuneration is relatively low (far below the ordin aryworkers, labor remuneration) or no, either the employer or schooldeduction. In the e vent of labor dispute, substitutional intern studentscannot be resolved through arbitratio n or the labor inspection department,only through the people’s court litigation settlemen t. But few substitutional intern students through the court proceedings to labor remuner ation, as compared with the employer, substitutional intern students than the generalw orkers but also in a weak position, the general civil litigation procedures and more co mplex, the time is long, a lot of students are not willing tochoose the right way.What is the post internship? He and general workers differ? Whether thelabor remu neration post intern standard? Labor remuneration how should we regulate post internshi p? This paper discusses the intern remuneration,find out the existing in the labor remu neration on post internship at issue,for the protection of labor remuneration right intern s, puts forward some reasonable suggestions and ideas.
Keywords/Search Tags:trainee, internship, Post intern remuneration legal regulation
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