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The Evolution Of South Africa’s Zulu Nationalism In The20TH Century

Posted on:2015-08-21Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:J K HuangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2296330431494233Subject:World History
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Zulu nationalism is a nationalism which originated in Zulu of South Africa. It requires independence and self-government. After forming in the early1920s, Zulu nationalism has been through periods of developing, climax and descent. Inkatha, a group representing the interests of the elites and petty bourgeoisie in Zulu, is the main part to utilize and master this kind of nationalism in KwaZulu. At the beginning of their forming in1920s, Inkatha used to ask assists in economy and land issues, and strove to protect the culture in Zulu. However, after the rebuilding of Inkatha by Mangosuthu Buthelezi, the great chief of Zulu, it became an elite aiming for seeking political interests. Utilizing Zulu nationalism, Inkatha gained access to negotiation with the whites’authority of South Africa in the era of racial segregation. Further, it overshadowed Zulu nationalism to pose as the representative of all blacks in South Africa, and once developed into the most influential black political organization in South Africa. But as it was marginalized at the negotiations leading by African National Congress in the period of transition in South Africa, Inkatha utilized Zulu nationalism again to develop violence into the upsurge, which almost led to a large-scaled armed conflict in South Africa. After the end of racial segregation in1994, Inkatha abandoned Zulu nationalism gradually and shaped itself as a liberal democracy party because of the reconstruction of political basis in the democratic election.With the elaborations of Inkatha’s forming and development in20th century, the thesis emphasizes on analyzing how this political group utilizes and masters Zulu nationalism, and tries to enlighten those researches on political groups applying local nationalism during the process of modernization.
Keywords/Search Tags:South Africa, Zulu Nationalism, Inkatha
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