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Studies On Implementation Capability Of Anti-corruption Policy In China

Posted on:2015-10-01Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:H H DengFull Text:PDF
GTID:2296330431455746Subject:Administrative Management
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
With the development of social economy and the enhancement of people’s socialconsciousness, the voice of anti-corruption runs high. All countries set up the specialanti-corruption agencies, such as International Anti-Corruption Conference (IACC),Transparency International (IT) and so on to varying degrees, which has maderemarkable achievement. Our country has stepped up the pace to reach the target of aclean government. Now it shapes the political system of Anti-corruption, whichmaintains the principle under the protection of legislation, and the implementationcapability of Anti-corruption policy improves notably. However, there exists a strangephenomenon in our country. There are more and more corruption ones who seriouslyaffect the social order, while new policies appear constantly. We consider that this iscaused by the scarcity of on anti-corruption policy. In recent years, this execution hasbeen in a position of less stiffness, weakened implementation, lower altitude, slowerspeeds and poor supervisory validity. The reasons for those are the deficiencies ofanti-corruption policy, lacking supervision by discipline inspection organs, lowdegree of the public involvement, incompletion of the perform system, variable andcomplex environment and so on. The key and central factor of policy is executionwhen want to achieve a clean government and oppose the corruption. If the executionis halfway and lacking, the policy will lose its value and meaning, which is to bealmost nonexistent. Therefore, our country should perfect the Anti-corruption policy,improve the execution of executed objects, complete the system and optimize theexecuted environment on the basis of excellent experiences by Sweden, Singapore andHong Kong. By doing these, the Anti-corruption policy can have an effect ongoverning the corruption and realize the target of efficient and clean government.
Keywords/Search Tags:Anti-corruption Policy, Implementation Capability, Executive Body, Discipline Inspection Organs
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