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A Study On The Legal Status Of Temp Coordinators

Posted on:2015-02-28Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y ZhangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2296330428998473Subject:Constitution and Administrative Law
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
The inclusion of temp coordinators, a non-official group of public administrators, inpublic administration is a distinctive governance form of public-private cooperation byencouraging the public to participate in the social administration, which, to a certain extent,effectively alleviates the shortage of administrative manpower. Nevertheless, due to thegovernment’s ill management of these non-official coordinators, some of them often abusetheir authority in social practices, which reduces them to a controversial existence. As amatter of fact, the reason behind this phenomenon is the uncertainty of temp coordinators’legal status. Temp coordinators, as the product of public-private cooperative managementtheory, have a solid theoretic basis of public administration science, constitutional law andadministrative law. This type of non-official administration is essentially a guidance ofpublic execution of their participation right. In terms of temp coordinators’ generationbackground and the auxiliary role as administrative assistants, this thesis regards a properlegal status for them as administrative assistants. In the administrative practices, tempcoordinators are commanded and supervised by official civil servants, but in no direct legalrelationship with any third party, so the consequences of their actions should be borne bythe government. Therefore, administrative organizations should improve their managementof the temp coordinators from three major types of regulation access, contract and action,and judicial departments should open the gate of the relief of rights for temp coordinators.
Keywords/Search Tags:temp coordinators, public-private cooperation, legal status, administrative assistant
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