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The Influence Of The Study Of Marxist In Japan On The Communist Party Of China In The Early20th Century

Posted on:2015-05-06Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:J GaoFull Text:PDF
GTID:2296330428969515Subject:Ideological and political education
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
According to the academic circle, there are three channels for the introduction of Marxism into China:Russia, Western Europe and Japan. And for China, the main channel of the introduction of Marxism, in the early20th century, was Japan. The advanced intellectuals of China began to search for the reason of defeat after the Sino-Japanese war. This caused the trend of studying in Japan. And during this time, the trend of socialist ideological appeared in Japan. Looking for theoretical basis of socialism, the Japanese scholars began to study Marxism and achieved rich results.The early scholars of Marxism in Japan represented by He Shang Zhao、Xing De Qiu Shui etc. They translated the Marxist books, researched into the basic problems of Marxism, published articles about Marxism and also participated in the socialist movement. All of these had a considerable influence on the society, and they promoted the spread of the Marxism in Japan too. During that time, not only the Japanese were affected, but also the Chinese students who studied in Japan. The research and dissemination of the Marxism in Japan had enlightenment on the Chinese students. Providing theoretical convenience for them to realize and accept Marxism. Early leaders of the communist party of China such as Li Dazhao, Chen Duxiu were affected too. They had a better understanding of the Marxism during their studying in Japan, and then guided by the Marxism, set up the communist party of China and conducted a vigorous revolutionary movement.Japan is neither the birthplace of Marxism in the world, nor the main origins of the proletarian revolution, but the main channel of Marxism in China in the early20th century. Analysis on the early Marxist studies of Japan, the influence on the communist party of China and the perspective of the origin has great sense to the study of Marxism and the party’s construction of China today.
Keywords/Search Tags:the beginning of the20th century, Japan, the study of Marxism, the communist party of China, influence
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