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On The Convened System Of The General Meeting Of Shareholders Of Listed Companies In China

Posted on:2015-04-26Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:M ZhangFull Text:PDF
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Under the background of the rapid development of current economic,company as a cooperative economic development model, with the advantage of gaining greater benefits, than a single investment by shareholders joint funding to form a investment community,is appreciated by many investors and becoming the main participation subjects of current capital markets. If a company want to have gained long and stable growth and get good governance, it’s important to implement the correct and effective business decisions of Shareholders general meeting and management system. Shareholders are the owners of the company. Shareholders general meeting is the highest authority department and is the department to express and decision owner’s ideas. We want the shareholders general meeting to play a good role. What is important is ensuring Shareholders general meeting to convene effectively first, then the Shareholders general meeting could express the wishes of shareholders and make the right decisions relating to fate of the company. The convened system of the general meeting of shareholders is the discussion topic of this article.What is called the convened system of the general meeting of shareholders is the procedures set up by company that convening shareholders general meeting must comply with, which is in order to make sure resolution of the shareholders general meeting effective and legal. Effective convening a shareholders general meeting is the starting for the operation of company and a good way for shareholders to take a part in company project and protect themselves. If it can’t be effective convened, shareholders general meeting will not be held. Even though the meeting was held the meeting’s resolution would be invalid or revoked, which finally would damage the interests of the shareholders and company. However, current "company law" is not perfect in the general meeting convened system, which leads to some operation conflict.’Double shareholders general meeting’farce appears one after another, while the judiciary is also helpless on such controversial since the inadequate legislation.The convened system of the general meeting of shareholders is the discussion topic of this article. This paper is divided into three parts. The first part main introduces the concept and components of the convened system of the general meeting of shareholders; basing on some typical analyzing cases, the second part focuses on founding legislative defects; the third part is main learn the experience of outstanding legislation and judicial practice from foreign to propose recommendations to improve the system and to provide a better solution for the settlement of disputes in judicial practice. Hope that this system get more and more progress and provide more benefits to practical application.
Keywords/Search Tags:the convened of the shareholders general meetingconvener, convening reason
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