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Analyses And To Perfect The Legal Aid System

Posted on:2014-04-24Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:G L DuFull Text:PDF
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Legal aid system as a civil rights judicial safeguard measures, is the product ofthe development of social economy and political civilization, is the importantsymbol of social developed under the rule of law, but in our country, whether intheory or practice to the attention of the legal aid is still inadequate, grass-roots staffas the justice department, the writer of grassroots judicial administrative legal aidwork not enough attention to particularly. Along with our country comprehensivelypromote the rule of law, the legal aid system as an important part of judicial systemconstruction, to protect vulnerable groups, fair and the important role of maintainingsocial justice, the system construction will be more urgent need to be perfect,At thisyear’s national annual government work report emphasized to improve themaintenance of rights and interests mechanism, the legal aid system, making majordecisions, social stability risk assessment and the mechanism of emergencymanagement, to further promote the construction of legal aid system in China willhave a important role in promoting. For this, according to the practice experience ofwork, combined with search, draw lessons from the related information, the legal aidsystem, both at home and abroad to work at the grass-roots level to carry out thecomparative analysis, emphatically expounds the status quo of legal aid and thedeficiencies and problems, and puts forward to perfect the legal aid work, makesevery effort to provide help for grass-roots legal aid work.This paper is divided into four chapters: the first chapter elaborates the conceptand characteristics of legal aid. Combining with the theory about the definition oflegal aid, from our country’s legislation and practice summary on defining theconcept of legal aid, legal aid is discussed in the national compulsory, recipient freesex, the characteristics of the seven aspects such as the essence of justice; The second chapter to the current situation and existing problems of the legal aid systemin China. From the formation and development of legal aid system in our country,the legal aid system in China are introduced in this remarkable achievements in thedevelopment of one hundred and twenty, at the same time, combined with practicalexperience of legal aid in legal provisions, organize the implementation, resourcescondition and the deficiency existing in social participation in four aspects, such as adetailed analysis; The third chapter briefly described the foreign legal aid system.Through the development history of foreign legal aid system, and the briefexplanation of countries such as Britain and the United States, the legal aid system,summed up the foreign legal aid system at least in the legal system improve, nationalresponsibility implement, aid to the wide range of quality assurance and aid fouraspects to the development and perfection of legal aid system in China provide agood reference; The fourth chapter puts forward Suggestions on the perfection of thelegal aid system in China. By perfecting the legal system construction, optimizationof the mechanism of legal aid, legal aid mining resources and focus on thepopularization of legal aid in detail in this paper, the four major aspects, think shouldformulate special law and perfect the regulations of form a complete set, reasonableto set up institutions, pay attention to the comprehensive development and theimplementation of quality assurance, to enlarge the legal aid implementation mainbody and source of funds, through publicity and education to improve theparticipation of social organizations and the masses.In a word, the improvement of the legal aid system involves many aspects, such as legal aidlegislation, organize the implementation of the content, needs a process, needs the joint effortsfrom all walks of life.
Keywords/Search Tags:the legal aid system, problems, perfect
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