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The Research On The Existence Or Abolition Of The Death Penalty For Crime Of The Corruption And Bribery In China

Posted on:2015-10-12Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:S D LvFull Text:PDF
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Back to the year of2011, the promulgation of the Criminal Law Amendment (h)had arisen a huge argument about the death penalty applying to the corruption issuein2011. After the holding of the Eighteenth National Congress of the NPC, the Partyand state insisted on the policy of putting extreme attention on combating corruptionand bribery; along with the capturing of plenty of corrupted officials, a great numberof them have been sentenced to death; as a result, it leads the argument to a moreintensive level.Currently, there are3points of view based on the abolishing of the deathpenalty for corruption and bribery: the first stand point is to abolish the death penaltyfor corruption and bribery immediately; the second one is to keep it and the numberof charges related to corruption and bribery can even be increased; and from theperspective of the third viewpoint, on the premise of keeping the death penalty, theParty and state can limit the scope of application of the death penalty for corruptionand bribery, and abolish it gradually.The author will analyze the issue based on the standpoint of periodical retention;firstly, according to the status of the establishment of the death penalty for corruptionand bribery, the author is going to discuss the reasons behind it and the problems itmight raise; secondly, a further analysis of the reasons of the periodical retention willbe provided by the illustration of different viewpoints; last but not the least, in orderthat the death penalty for corruption can be better applied, the author proposessetting up a sound anti-corruption legal system, meanwhile making fully use of deathsentence with a reprieve.
Keywords/Search Tags:The Corruption and Bribery Crimes, Death Penalty, PeriodicalRetention, Abolishment
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