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Research On Anti-corruption Websites Situation And Development Strategies In China

Posted on:2015-08-25Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y TangFull Text:PDF
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With the progress of time, the development of networks, justice, democracyand liberal trend, the pace of the anti-corruption work will become increasingly rapid,more and more firm. Anti-corruption websites have become an important part of a bighonest work.My paper is divided into five chapters. The first chapter is an introduction tothe study of the meaning of this article, select the object of study, research status,research ideas and methods to make a note. The second chapter provides an overviewof the development process of the anti-corruption websites, classification andcharacteristics of the site, analyze the function of anti-corruption reality type site. Thethird chapter, mainly from the status quo of China’s anti-corruption websites startingby using content analysis, text analysis, questionnaires, interviews and other methodsinitial depth understanding and knowledge of China’s anti-corruption official websitesand civil status of the site representative class of anti-corruption website. This paperanalyzes the content of the article classification of these sites, the regional distributionof reported cases, the proportion of negative coverage, picture messaging, channelsettings, title production, language style. Reflections on the analysis by questionnaireand interview data, this paper points out the shortcomings in the fourth chapter ofanti-corruption official class website. Such sites are not high visibility, lowclick-through rate, relative to a single Web page, watch is not strong, slow to updatewebsite content, many sites showing hibernation. Meanwhile, also pointed out theexistence of anti-corruption civil cohabitation Website search engine is blocked, theeconomic difficulties of reality. The fifth chapter describes the development ofcountermeasures China’s anti-corruption websites. I believe that the anti-corruptionofficial websites should expand awareness, improve self-construction,institutionalized management. Civil society anti-corruption websites should beeffective docking system corruption, strengthen cooperation with traditional media,the use of new media to expand its influence, and to raise funds through various legalchannels.
Keywords/Search Tags:anti-corruption, websites, current situation, development strategies
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