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Research On The Current Situation And Strategies Of Rural Cultural Construction In The New Period

Posted on:2014-05-01Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:P LuoFull Text:PDF
GTID:2296330422961061Subject:Marxism in China
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Research on the current situation and strategies of rural cultural construction innew times is the inevitable demand of the world, China and CPC. The18th CPCNational Congress stated the proposal that it is urgent to construct an advanced socialcultural nation. Therefore, to step up the construction of rural cultures is the strategicoption of that of an advanced social nation. This paper is based on the previousresearch and tries to combine theoretical methods with practices, and it focuses onthe following three aspects.In the first chapter, it summaries the historical achievements of the rural culturalconstruction in new times. The first step concentrates on the construction of spiritualcivilization. The second step focuses on the advanced culture. And the next stepstrengthens the harmonious cultures.The second chapter analyzes the current situation of rural cultural construction.Since China’s reform and opening up, CPC and government have attached greatimportance to rural cultural construction and achievements have been made. Forexample, the community public cultural facilities have been improved. It also hasenriched the cultural life of the masses of the people gradually. And the culturalindustry’s output has been a steady rise during this period. However, the managementmechanism and system when constructing rural cultures lag behind. Some areas lackof enough playground due to the shortage of financial support. Especially, there areshort in professional talents. All these factors have a bad effect on the developmentof rural cultural construction.The third part in this thesis discusses some strategies of rural culturalconstruction in new times. Three aspects are included. First, it is necessary tostrengthen the cultural system reform and improve the construction of culturemanagement. Second, it is to establish the varied investment mechanism andadvanced culture battlefields. Third, it is to enhance the construction of culturetalents. and cultivate professional talents.In the future, the construction of rural cultural construction must pay muchattention to these items. First, it is to insist on the direction of serving socialism and the masses of people and to place criticism in contradiction. Second, it is to insist onemancipating our minds and do research on different situation and new problems.Third, we must learn to be practical and follow the basic principles of constructingrural cultures. Fourth, we must create good atmosphere and depend on the masses ofpeople.
Keywords/Search Tags:rural cultural construction, current situation, strategies, enlightenment
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