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Research On Hot Issues About Housing Ownership Identified When Husband And Wife Divorce

Posted on:2013-03-17Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:M WangFull Text:PDF
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For people with traditional family values, homeowners need not only to live in, that isthe living symbol of a stable and psychologically safe and secure protection. The rapiddevelopments of modern society have given people the opportunity to and also bring endlesspressure. Rising house prices make people have to hope the Housing sigh. Accompanied bythe rising number of divorce cases on divorce, housing ownership disputes are increasinglyanxious. Believe that analysis of the identified cases of divorce, housing ownership, divorcecases in numerous real estate ownership identified the best means of combing itsclassification. Be classified in accordance with the purchase of forms of housing can bedivided into the housing reform, real estate, self-help housing. In this paper, a combination ofthe form of housing purchase and housing registered owner, classification to the discourse ofdivorce, ownership housing problem of identification. Of course, the list and not exhaustive ofthe complex reality, housing ownership identified a number of hot issues in this dealt onlywith the divorce.Ownership housing on the divorce of the real estate identified, before or after marriage,the full purchase and mortgage buyers can be subdivided into dozens of different financingand ownership structure. Due to limited space, only selected social practice, a number of morecontroversial several cases to be analyzed and summarized. By listing the typical judicial case,the relevant laws and lack of judicial practice and improvement of the three aspects discusseddivorce in this form of housing ownership housing problem of identification.Ownership housing on the housing reform divorce finds that housing reform be dividedinto two cases based on pre-marital and marriage take different situations to be addressed.Housing reform as of a specific period or all forms of special housing for China’s socialistconstruction, and maintenance of social stability and people’s lives and make a significantcontribution. With the social development, housing reform policies are gradually withdrawingfrom the stage of history, however, accompanied by the divorce of the housing reform realestate students housing ownership identified the problem persists. This paper selects the the premarital obtain housing reform and the marriage made housing reform both cases, analysisof the ownership of the housing reform identified in the divorce.Housing ownership finds divorce several special forms of housing, including housingregistered in the name of minor children to divorce ownership housing identified resettlementhousing and property room at the time of divorce, and ownership housing identified specificoperating practice. Resettlement housing and small property room, still occupy a very largeproportion of the housing system. These houses due to unclear property rights, or simply noproperty rights, the complexity of the ownership form, is the difficulty lies in the divorce ofownership housing identified. This article only from the practical point of view, brieflyintroduce of these two cases.
Keywords/Search Tags:Marriage Law, Housing ownership, Mortgage Housing
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