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Research On The Actuality Of Chinesecontemporary Art Market In The Perspectiveof Art Finance

Posted on:2017-03-07Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y N GuoFull Text:PDF
GTID:2295330503483338Subject:Fine Arts
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Based on the perspective of art finance, this paper makes a systematic analysis of the Chinese contemporary art market. Through the induction and case studies of the existence form of art finance in Chinese contemporary art market, this paper lays special stress on analysing the effect and influence of the various aspects of the art market after the financial intervention, and attempts to present the development status of art market after the art financial intervention.This paper chooses the involvement of art finance as a starting point to analyze the art market, mainly because Chinese art market is experiencing the transformation from traditional to modern. With the economic growth and the awakening of people’s cultural consciousness, art investment is increasingly becoming an option for people’s asset allocation. The appearance of art finance has formed an irresistible tide, its powerful adsorption has condensed the various elements of the art market into the category of a capital, the art market has occurred qualitative change from market pattern to transaction model. In such a process of reorganization of the order, what the role of art finance plays is the focus of the author wants to explore.The paper mainly consists of four chapters: first chapter, by combing the evolution process of trading patterns from the traditional art market to the contemporary art market, the author draws out the new trading mode after the art financial intervention; in the second chapter, through presenting several kinds of existing forms and typical cases of art finance, the author finds that the involvement of art finance to the art trade is comprehensive, and plays a role of fusing various market factors; in the third chapter,respectively from these three perspectives of producers, operators and consumers, the purpose of this chapter is to analyze the effect and influence of the art financial intervention on the market factors, the author thinks that under the new capital environment, these three are bound to be either positively or negatively affected, and the mentality of participation has changed correspondingly; in the fourth chapter, from a macro perspective, the author discusses the relationship between art finance andChinese art market, and draws a conclusion that art finance is not just a concept of "Art+ Finance", but a kind of polymerization method, all aspects of the art market can not cut off this internal convergence, from a deeper level, the art finance is a inevitable stage in the art market development process.Art finance is a cross disciplinary open proposition, which involves multiple disciplines category. With the theory of art and art market as the main body, and supplemented by art cultural economics, art investment, art management, finance and other disciplines theory, this paper uses literature research, case study and field study method to conduct effective carding and analysis on the financial capital intervention of Chinese contemporary art market.According to the research of the present situation of Chinese contemporary art market under the perspective of art finance, the author thinks that the emergence of art finance is the inevitable result of the art market developing to the present stage, art will not be separated from its own aesthetic value and cultural value because of the financial capital intervention. On the contrary, the development of art finance will accelerate the maturity and perfection of the Chinese art market system, which will attract more public attention to the art and culture industry and share the achievements of the art market.
Keywords/Search Tags:Art Finance, Capital Intervention, Art Market
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