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A Translation Report On Chinese-English Translation Of Zhenyuan County, The Mysterious And The Beautiful

Posted on:2016-03-14Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:N LiFull Text:PDF
GTID:2295330503451478Subject:English interpretation
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
There are many words describing beautiful Zhenyuan County, but few are translated into English. The source text is written by a civil servant of the Bureau of Culture of Zhenyuan County. The translator translates the project on her own initiative. This paper is aimed at analyzing the translation of culturally-loaded words, the translation of ethnic folk songs and questions in the translation project according to Eugene Nida’s functional theory. The translation of ethnic culture is inter-lingual translation. It is also emphasized that meaning representation is more important than form representation in ethnic culture translation. The translator applies transplantation, literal translation with annotation and transliteration with annotation to the translation of culturally-loaded words. It is advocated that meaning beauty is the priority in the principle of three beauties in the translation of ethnic folk songs. If the translator wants to realize dynamic functional equivalence, reader-oriented translation is very important. Finally, the translator came up with questions, namely whether there is a better way to translate ethnic culturally-loaded words into English. The translation report is divided into four parts. Part one is the background and significance of the translation project. Part two is the translation process. The translator consulted a number of publications before she got down to translating the original. In the process of translating, the translator followed the principle of three beauties. After the completion of the main text, the translator set about modifying and editing the translated version. Part three is the body of the translation report. It analyzes the translation of culturally-loaded words and local folk songs. In addition, functional theory is applied to analyze questions in the translation project Zhenyuan County, the Mysterious and the Beautiful and to come up with expectation. Part four is conclusion of the translation project and the translation report.
Keywords/Search Tags:culturally-loaded words, ethnic folk songs, functional theory, meaning representation
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