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Choral Works And Performances Of Chinese Reform And Opening In New Period

Posted on:2017-03-23Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:L DingFull Text:PDF
GTID:2295330488984754Subject:School of music and dance
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What is the chorus? Belonging to one of the highest forms of choral vocal music, it reflects the popularity and development level of a country and social music. According to the melody of the voices while singing performances, more than one part singed by the people in their different parts, are called chorus.Choir originated in Europe, as a foreign art form for Chinese, it has developed in China more than a hundred years of history. How the development of Chinese chorus history divided basis come from?In the field of history, there are two ways to divide choir:one is called’ancient’, it is the time before the outbreak of the Opium War in 1840, while 1840-1919 is called’modern’; it is called "modern" from’May Fourth’movement (1919) to’the founding of New China’(1949); the period after 1949 is known as ’contemporary’.Over time, historians has produced another method to divide. Before the outbreak of the Opium War as ’ancient’ and ’modern’ means 1840 to 1949, ’modern’ means the ’the founding of New China’(1949) to’Third Plenary Session’(1978);’contemporary’refers to from 1978 until now.According to the Central Conservatory of Music Publishing,’General History of Chinese Music Guide’edited by Liang Maochun and Chen Bingyi described about Chinese contemporary music. It divides the various stages of music history into three periods after the founding, the early days (1949-1965), during the Cultural Revolution (1966 to 1976) and in New Period (since 1979). It is obvious that the book on Chinese contemporary music’contemporary’definition is based on a first criteria for the classification of historians. The definition of the ’New Period’ in this paper is integrated the first division of historians and the’General History of Chinese Music Course’ in the second division, especially the period since 1979.At the beginning of the last century, our country was forced to open the door due to the invasion of foreign powers. The theme of the chorus pattern in China is ’resist foreign aggression, inspire the spirit of China’, and the Western choral art has been transported in our country at the same time. With the outbreak of the’May Fourth’ movement and under the ’School Songs’ educational activities background, Chinese music started to lead a group of choral appeared and most of the chorus are still apatriotic-themed choral masses; choral works have strong political and social reality directly linked’Anti-Japanese war of liberation’ together in the period of 1930s to 1940s. To express the praises of the people to initiate power struggles, and have confidence to win the war; in the subsequent founding of new China, our choral music achieved initial flourish, exploring themes and a performance of a large number of ethnic theme appears choral works, and there have been added to the large-scale choral performance. The chorus of many creative themes and genres are abundant than before. Subsequently,’Cultural Revolution" have been seriously affected choral arts, and resulting the "Song of quotations" and’model operas" in this background. The number and artistic value are also relatively limited. Overall, the chorus of ’New Era’ before, runs through the war, patriotic and the theme of nature, pay attention to the number of people, the momentum of large, loud, emotionally generous, passionate conception of aesthetic sense, and the performance is single and boring. In comparison, the choral art development in China ’New Epoch’ is a kind of diversified development, the creation of themes and genres no longer subject to political constraints and express more attention to singing, creators of personal feelings, rich in content creation techniques unique, different styles of music, under the double influence chorus consciousness and aesthetic ideas.’New period’ choral art can be described as contending and colorful.In Chinese people’s daily music life, choral performances can make everyone involved in a group as a performing art and its significance is far beyond choral music itself. Particularly in the guidelines of 21st century’building a harmonious society’, people began to play their creativity in collective cooperation during building a harmonious chorus and experience harmony process.Chorus has a broad human base since gradually developed from the beginning until now. With the rapid social progress and economic development, according to incomplete statistics. In the second half of the’in New Period’, China has more than one hundred thousand choir branches are booming. We have learned from the West culture while the traditional chorus are integrating and growing in Chinese mainland to form Chinese characteristics and style. But the theories about the formation of choral art are less compared to the ’new period". Therefore, based on the historical context of the reform and opening Chinese ’new period’ chorus of development, this paper summarizes the development stage characteristics of choral art of this period from choral works and choral performances two ways.
Keywords/Search Tags:Chinese choir, New period, Choral works, Choral performances
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