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The Postal Group And The Postal Political:Study On The Hankow Postal Workers Union (1932-1935)

Posted on:2017-05-27Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Q B GuoFull Text:PDF
GTID:2295330488484668Subject:Modern history of China
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Since 1928, the whole country into a period of construction, The Kuomintang set out to reorganize the social group and tried to control the public movement so that government can rebuilt authority in social group, meanwhile, the Post group which it was very active in the Great Revolution period became reorganize firstly, one of reason is the Post group belong to the national organization. Because the Post group behaviors has built system. In the Great Revolution and the national postal developed gradually period, the Post group did not reduce sharply, even developed tend to inland compared with the other social group.In the Great Revolution period, the Post group which located in Wuhan was the most active, following transferred of the political center, Hankow Postal Workers Union has a stable political environment after reorganizing Hankow Special Capital’s Party in 1933. While the Kuomintang turned into the ruling party, the National Party has built double-track system of the Party and the government in whole department, so that Hankow Special Capital’s Party always conflict with the administrative department that highlighted in the Case of Hankow Postal Workers Union establishment, the power of organizing what Hankow Special Capital’s Party occupied conflicted with the authority Hubei Postal Service Administrative, ultimately the power basic on law that Hankow Special Capital’s Party insisted has been denied by higher authorities, meanwhile, the right that Hankow Postal Workers Union should desired, relied on informal contract to protect and buried worse concern in public behaviors. The conflict between the power of Party and the power of Postal administrative highlighted the gap between Kuomintang’s governance idea and social reality.The Hankow Postal Workers Union was a inform people group in government insight, in order to "Political asylum", it was positively attend to the National of "strengthening foundation of postal service system movement" so that can get support from the Shanghai Postal Federation of Service and the Shanghai Postal Federation of Trade Union, it also can accepted by public and improve political status or social influence, meanwhile, it awoke the members of Hankow Postal Workers Union comprehending about the traditional political organization culture and enhanced the rally power of group. In the "strengthening foundation of postal service system movement" period, the Hankow Postal Workers Union more appeal to economy benefit and comprehend the traditional political organization culture, rather than appeal political power. Because the Hankow Postal Workers Union belongs to social group, the relationship between the Hankow Postal Workers Union and the Hankow Special Capital Party is no antagonistic. Like other social group, the Hankow Postal Workers Union should attend to mobilization training, even more closed to the Hankow Special Capital Party and relied on it, that’s means the Hankow Postal Workers Union needed survive by government dependence. Meanwhile, because the Hankow Postal Workers Union belong to national employee group, that it called attention from the Hankow Special Capital Party even the highest Kuomintang. The Hankow Postal Workers Union tried to enhance the rally power of group and cleaned the member’s corrupt custom to adapt to the new political situation by attend to the mobilization training positively.
Keywords/Search Tags:Hankow Postal Workers Union, Hankow Special City Party, the postal power of administration, political group, political mobilization training
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