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Research On Marx’s View Of Human Rights

Posted on:2017-05-14Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y P LiuFull Text:PDF
GTID:2295330488457349Subject:Marxist philosophy
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
For a long time, human rights have been an important content of human yearning and pursuit, and the concept of human rights has become a universal recognition of the value orientation. Human rights as a concept proposed and then to the formation and development of human rights theory, and then to the establishment of rules and regulations of the human rights,expand until human rights practices, every leap is with the vital interests of the proletariat and the masses of working people to close contact because human rights are most concerned about a problem for them. Due to the wide range of issues involved in human rights, scholars have different views and opinions on the issue of human rights. Therefore, the further improvement of the socialist rule of law requires us to interpret the classic text of Marx and to explore the real connotation of Marx’s human rights.Marx set up the human liberation and freedom of all-round development as the goal,through exploring the early concept of human rights, bourgeois human rights theory analysis,criticism and inheritance, and gradually formed a view of human rights of Marx’s. Marx’s view of human rights grounded on the latitude of historical materialism, not the abstract sense of personal. By analyzing of Marx’s view of the specific content, methodology and trait, digging Marx’s human rights digestion of liberalism human rights view, and the construction of human rights of historical materialism; through the relationship between the understanding of Marx’s view of human rights of inheritance and conflict, criticism and fusion, to enrich our understanding of orthodox Marxism human rights thought, help to absorb and draw lessons from Marx’s view of human rights in the positive and rational composition and improve the view and the theoretical level of the study of Marx’s human rights, which the development of contemporary human rights cause in China and the practice of human rights has a great significance.
Keywords/Search Tags:Marx, View of human rights human rights
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