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Brief Probe Into Pipa Music Of Sui Dynasty

Posted on:2017-03-24Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:K WangFull Text:PDF
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
In feudal China, Sui dynasty is not one with long duration. However, it is this dynasty that finished the disunion and division of China and enhanced the ethnic integration and international cultural communication. Set in this background, the introduction of musical instrument Pipa from the Western Regions(a Han Dynasty term for the area west of Yumenguan, including what is now Xinjiang and parts of Central Asia) makes itself catapult into the prevalent musical instrument at that time and become an inseparable musical instrument in large-scale dances in Sui dynasty and sebsequent Tang dynasty. However, there exist relatively few studies on Sui dynasty, an important historical period. In particular, the historic role of Pipa in Sui dynasty and its influence on the development of China’s music are not well-researched or fully discussed and remain to be further researched and explored. Proceeding from the details of historical culture, this master thesis restores the role of the Pipa in the whole development of music and elaborates the promotion of Pipa in Sui dynasty to that in Tang Dynasty. More specially, the unprecedented prosperous situation registered by in Tang Dynasty can be attributed to the foundation and development of Pipa in Sui dynasty. This master thesis is mainly divided into three parts, with the first part mainly on the rule of Kai Huang and on the establishment of Taichang Temple, the second part on the Seven Ensembles, Nine Ensembles and Qiuci( an ancient state) Pipa in Sui Dynasty and the last part on the formation and value of pipa in that Dynasty in question.
Keywords/Search Tags:Sui Dynasty, Pipa Music, Communication
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