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A Report On The Chinese-english Translation Of UESTC News

Posted on:2017-05-15Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:F YangFull Text:PDF
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China is emerging on the world stage, and its cultural influence has also been strengthened. Extensive attention has been paid to C hinese higher education institutions, including the University of Electronic Science and Technology of China(UESTC for short). As the internationalization of higher education institutions is becoming inevitable, university website starts to serve as an important channel to acquire the information about the university and plays a significant role in the process of university internationalization. Campus news, an important part of the online news, shows the newest events about the university. It may be the easiest way to learn the latest development of the university.However, translation of the campus news in mainland C hina is not as satisfying as it should be. Due attention should be paid to this issue, so the author chose this topic. Based on the author’s practice of the UESTC news translation, the translator’s subjectivity is chosen as the theoretical guidance for this project. This report is an attempt to summarize the experience and proble ms in the project, and intends to provide ideas for those who are translating the same type of text.This report consists of four chapters. It firstly presents the project description and the significance and outline of the report. Then it describes the pr eparations before translation, including tools, campus news translation purpose analysis, and news translation principles analysis. The third chapter focuses on the translator ’s subjectivity, its application in the project, and the translation strategies adopted under the guidance of the translator’s subjectivity. The fourth chapter concludes the report and introduces limitations in this project as well.
Keywords/Search Tags:campus news translation, translator’s subjectivity, translation strategies
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