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Wang Chong’s Criticism And Inheritance Of The Pre-Qin Scholars

Posted on:2017-03-19Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Z H HuangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2295330485972957Subject:Chinese philosophy
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
The main purpose of this thesis is to study Wang Chong’s thought of how to synthesize the thoughts of Pre-Qin thinkers. From the aspects of debate on the relation between Heaven and Man, Classic and Modern, Nature and Fate, Shape and Spirit, Name and Actuality, and with Wang Chong’s critical spirit as the breakthrough point to discuss the synthesis.Debating on the relation between Heaven and Man, Wang Chong has absorbed the results of the discussion of the relationship between heaven and man since the Pre-Qin, coming to his point of view about "man cannot influence heaven with action, heaven is the same". Debating on the relation between Nature and Fate, he established "Tow Patterns of Fate" through the Confucian theory of "Destiny" and "Contingency". He made an extensive evaluate for the Theories of Human Nature of Pre-Qin thinkers, and set up good and evil on human nature. Debating on the relation between Shape and Spirit, he inherited the argument that Shape and Spirit from gas. He was criticized this order of "Spirit is the lead and the body is a follower" and was putted forward the argument of" Spirit depends on the body". Debating on the relation between Name and Actuality, he was critical of the Confucian "born with knowledge" theory. Then, he thought that to understand things which is necessary to study carefully. According to Mohist’s "three table", He was developed "analogy" and "verification" of the logical thinking method. Debating on the relation between Classic and Modern, Wang Chong made a clear criticism of the concept of history that modern without ancient good. He subjected to the influence of the Pre-Qin legalists’thought and considered that modern is better than ancient. To sublate the Confucianism and Legalism, he thought that both morality and ability need to be.
Keywords/Search Tags:Wang Chong, Pre-Qin thinkers, criticize, inherit, synthesize
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