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The Research Of The Semantics And Discourse Function Of “Juran”

Posted on:2017-02-16Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Z X WangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2295330485962805Subject:Linguistics and Applied Linguistics
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
The word“Juran”(“居然”)used in our daily communication and written language on a high frequcency.It can express a specific prospection,and also contain a function on discourse level.The predecessor scholars have made a lot of demonstrations that focus on different categories,for example,“adversative adver”,“Jingran(竟然)”,“contrast and analyze on‘Juran(居然)’‘Jingran(竟然)’”and the like.But there were short of deeply study on“Juran”(“居然”)alone.This thesis study on“Juran”(“居然”)which based on the corpus.We attempt to investigate“Juran”(“居然”)in an all-round way from semantics,pragmatics,discourse,informative marker and other dimensions,try to master the intrinsic features of“Juran”(“居然”).The whole thesis is divided into five chapters.The first chapter is the introductive part. It mainly introduces the reasons and meaning of the selected topic, the scope of this research, previous and general situation of the research for such problems and issues. It also introduces the methods,theories and sources of corpus.The second chapter analyzes the semantic characteristics of“Juran”(“居然”).We describe and analyze“Juran”(“居然”)from the sense formation,semantic features,semantic orientation,semantic background and other aspects,and at the end of this chapter,we make a summary and induction on“Juran”(“居然”),from which semantic structure mode way.The third chapter is the discourse performance of“Juran”(“居然”).We investigate its discourse location and translocation,and the functional differenceinduced by this,then analyze the cohesive devices and content cohesion,etc.The fourth chapter is the pragmatic functions of“Juran”(“居然”).We focus on analyzing these functions,the specific counter-expectation property,informative marker,modality,quasi dialogue,etc.The fifth chapter is the epilogue. This chapter summarizes the research of this thesis and analyses the weakness and further work of the study.
Keywords/Search Tags:“Juran”(“居然”), semantic analysis, discourse performance, informative marker, pragmatic characters
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