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Classical Inheritance And Sublimation

Posted on:2017-02-13Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:J LiuFull Text:PDF
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
As a relatively widespread erhu solo in China, The Moon Reflected In Er-quan has been adapted into many performance styles over the years, like string ensemble The Moon Reflected In Er-quan adapted by the famous composer Mr. Wu Zuqiang and piano music The Moon Reflected In Er-quan adapted by the composer Mr. Chu Wanghua living in Australia. The similarity of the two arrangements involves retaining the structure and style of the original music as much as possible and endowing the ancient music with new vigor in a new historical period. This paper starts from the overall music conception and music creation characteristics of the piano arrangement The Moon Reflected In Er-quan adapted by Chu Wanghua, fully probes into the characteristics of the piano arrangement through analyzing its music structure characteristics and methods of conception, presents powerful evidence for creation and performance especially in the aspect of analyzing melody, harmony and grace note and provides beneficial enlightenment for playing and introducing piano music works of Chinese style.
Keywords/Search Tags:Chu Wanghua, The Moon Reflected In Er-quan, performance characteristics
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