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The Study Of Nie Hai Hua In The Communication Perspective

Posted on:2017-04-26Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:W Y DongFull Text:PDF
GTID:2295330482984667Subject:Ancient Chinese literature
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Nie Hai Hua, as one of the Four Condemning Novels in late Qing Dynasty, it has already been academically studied from the date of publication. Over more than one hundred years, researchers has grown from single to multiple, from portrait to landscape orientation on the study of Nie Hai Hua. This paper attempts to use the “Lasswell Model” of communication in the Nie Hai Hua study, which includes five aspects: the communicator, communication content, media, audience and communication effect.The first chapter is the communicator of Nie Hai Hua. Zeng Pu is the author of Nie Hai Hua as well as the communicator of it. His early life experiences make him leave the official circles and conduct business, write Nie Hai Hua, open a bookstore, and sponsor magazines. Zeng Pu is different from the ancient Chinese scholars since he has evolutionary feelings when he was young, and deep disgust on the Imperial Examination System. Zeng Pu works on French literature, his contact with French literature can be divided into two periods: the first period is to learn French in Tongwenguan special classes; the second period is to study French literature and translation under the guidance of Chen Jitong. The first period of time helped Zeng Pu have the ability to read in French, the second period made him really into the field of French literature and translation. Zeng Pu’s imagination for foreign mainly reflected in Nie Hai Hua. Zeng Pu was able to create the foreign description in Nie Hai Hua, due to his in-depth study of French Literature and year-round living and working in Shanghai. But finally his imagination for foreign eventually become local writing.The second chapter is the communication content of Nie Hai Hua. Nie Hai Hua created a large number of scholars and these scholars have show duality in their character : on the one hand, under the influence of Imperial Examination System, the bureaucrats who well versed in the classics were difficult to deal with practical problems to be solved and under the influence of pleasure-seeking concept, they become utilitarian vanity; on the other hand, due to the influence of “Western learning spreading to the East”, they start to seek reform, try to change the Chinese backwardness and the old mode of production, hope the prosperity of a country. As an important part of ancient cultural officialdom, remonstrant system produce changes in the late Qing Dynasty, “Maizhi” highlights. Many scholars in Nie Hai Hua want to gain popularity by “Maizhi”. Nie Hai Hua has vividly described New Women in late Qing Dynasty. Fu Caiyun, the representative of New Women,was effected by Western feminist theory, have started to fight for their legitimate rights and interests of consciousness, and dared to challenge the patriarchal society. But the New Woman is also facing difficulties, although the object of women liberation movement of the late Qing Dynasty is female, dominance in men and female in a “passive” status; Meanwhile, the appellation of “New Women” in some late Qing Dynasty novels also means derogatory.The third chapter is the media and audience of Nie Hai Hua. Nie Hai Hua is mainly spread through XIAOSHUOLIN, XIAOSHUOLIN Magazine, ZHENMEISHAN and ZHENMEISHAN Bookstore. They are Nie Hai Hua’s media. Zeng Pu’s literary activities are mainly concentrated on the “XIAOSHUOLIN period” and “ZHENMEISHAN period”. Scholars, students and the public are Nie Hai Hua’s readership. The three groups of readers constituted the Nie Hai Hua’s readers team, which scholars were main force, students were new force, the public were reserves.The fourth chapter is the communication effect of Nie Hai Hua. The communication effect of Nie Hai Hua has micro and macro levels. At the micro level, after Nie Hai Hua’s publication, Nie Hai Hua’s pastiche sequel and the same type of work have been published; at the macro level, Nie Hai Hua depicts the late Qing Dynasty scholar group portraits, bizarre outside world, and diplomatic activities of the Qing Dynasty government. And the social environment of the late Qing Dynasty, political ecology were also presented to some extent, so that the perception of the late Qing Dynasty were formed by readers.
Keywords/Search Tags:Nie Hai Hua, communication, Zeng Pu, Condemning Novels, late Qing Dynasty
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