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Research On The Promoting The Traditional Culture And Developing The Socialist Culture

Posted on:2017-02-13Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:F W HuangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2295330482980847Subject:Marxist theory
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Influenced by excessive criticism of traditional culture in the last century,people’s perception of contemporary traditional culture still exists a lot of errors. Some who blindly advocating Western culture criticize and even deny the Chinese traditional culture; some are ignoring the historical limitations of traditional culture, accept it without a doubt. These views are not that correct. We should objectively dialectical view of traditional Chinese culture, learn its essence and criticize its defect, search modern value of traditional culture. Socialist advanced culture is the forward direction of our culture’s development,it means a lot to the development of socialism with Chinese characteristics and the great national rejuvenation. To construct an advanced socialist culture, we must strive to absorb and carry forward the great part of Chinese traditional culture.Excellent Chinese traditional culture is the national gene of advanced socialist culture, carrying ideals of the Chinese nation, national spirit and character and cultural image; the great part of traditional culture is the fertile soil to cultivate advanced socialist culture, it supports the development of advanced socialist culture, it cultivates people’s moral character,it tells historical stories to make people appreciate patriotism and sets up a communication and connection with the people of the bridge. Construction of the advanced socialist culture should absorb the great part of traditional culture.Traditional culture rooted in private ownership and serviced for the ruling class, has it’s own historical limitations and dross. Promote traditional culture in the construction of socialist advanced culture,has to develop traditional culture to serve the purpose of constructing advanced socialist culture, to keep pace with the times,to adjust the science and technological development in modern life,and to promoteinternational cultural communication.Therefor,we carry forward the traditional culture to better the construction of advanced socialist culture.
Keywords/Search Tags:traditional culture, promoting, socialist advanced culture, developing
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