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Research On The Etiquette And Custom Of Man Flower Appreciation In The Song Dynasty

Posted on:2017-01-31Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:X H YangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2295330482499509Subject:Chinese history
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
The Song Dynasty is the flourishing period of ancient China man flower appreciation custom. The etiquette and custom of man flower appreciation in the Song Dynasty have a great relationship with the Double Ninth Festival.Man in the Song Dynasty’s flower appreciation custom is the inheritance of since the Tang Dynasty man flower appreciation custom in the Double Ninth Festival and in Court Entertainment man flower appreciation phenomenon.In the process of its popularity, and continue to be added to a lot of new content.In the Song Dynasty,the man flower appreciation phenomenon form and content more abundant.Man flower appreciation in the Song Dynasty can be divided into the official rewards flowers to people,in government and average people Wear flowers.Man flower appreciation in the Song Dynasty is a popular fashion.Introduction discusses the reason for writing this thesis,mainly include man flower appreciation before Song Dynasty, research status of academic circle and research features of this thesis.Chapter one:Write The development of man flower appreciation in the Song Dynasty. Man flower appreciation in the Song Dynasty probably divided into the official system and folk man flower appreciation. In the official man flower appreciation system from the Northern Song Dynasty to the Southern Song Dynasty.In the Northern Song Dynasty,man flower appreciation system is not well organized,to the Southern Song Dynasty,it is more clear in important occasions.Chapter two:Write the time, occasion and specific varieties of flowers that can be worn. It can be split into in the festival,in the ceremony and in the feast activities.Besides,also write the varieties of flowers,they mainly include fresh flowers and artificial flowers.Chapter three:Analyse the causes and effects of man flower appreciation protocol and custom in the Song Dynasty.With the influence of man flower appreciation in the Song Dynasty,the etiquette system of neighboring countries has changed.The Jin Dynasty and the Liao Dynasty also made man flower appreciation.
Keywords/Search Tags:The Song Dynasty, Man flower appreciation, Flourishing
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