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The Interaction Between Theory And Practice The Archaeological History In The Western Liaohe Region

Posted on:2017-05-05Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:D TianFull Text:PDF
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Western Liaohe region as a bright pearl of prehistoric culture, has an indispensable influence on the origin of civilization which is one of the three big problems for archaeology. Western Liaohe region has worked on archaeology for many years, there exists some significant events as landmarks, these events not only indicates the process of western Liaohe archaeology, but also put forward some common and classical theories. They guide the archaeology work in western Liaohe region. Especially Su Bingqi’s theory and its development pointed out the direction for archaeological work. Meanwhile Su Bingqi’s theory has been also further deepening during the process of archaeology practice. The archaeology in the western Liaohe region has a great development until now between theory and practice.This paper aims at discussing the history of Neolithic archaeology in western Liaohe region, associated with the theory of Su Bingqi. The study method iscorrelation, to analysis from external and internalcorrelation. Thus it can reveal the general mode of from the point of a region as well as indicate the effect of theoretical study in Chinese Neolithic archaeology.This paper consists of six parts. It focuses on the relationship between the construction of theory and archaeological practice regarding the neolithic archaeological discoveries and research process in western Liaohe region as a clue.The first chapter discusses the theory and method of archaeological history, and then establishes the theoretical framework of this study.The second chapter discusses the basic processes of neolithic archaeology in Liaohe region including the geographical position, cultural situation of the development of Hongshan culture and the other culture.The third chapter, Su Bingqi and neolithic archaeology in western Liaoheregion, different theory has been put forward during different periods.The fourth chapter, the external correlation analysis,it discusses the social environment,zeitgeist and the development of other subjects when Su Bingqi put forward the theory about archaeology in western Liaohe region.The fifth chapter, the internal correlation analysis,theory,method and practice are interacted each other, and then influence on archaeology process.The sixth part is the conclusion, Su Bingqi make a significant contributionto western Liaohe neolithic archaeology between theory and practice.
Keywords/Search Tags:Western Liaohe region, the Neolithic archaeology, the ways of correlation, Su Bingqi, archaeological history
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