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Simple Voice-The Works About Graduation

Posted on:2016-04-16Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:J X ZhangFull Text:PDF
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
From ancient times, simple is the traditional virtue of Chinese. The beauty of triviality,nature and not luxury in daily life still exists in arts. For painting arts, we cannot just repaint images but listen to the most plain and simple voice from our hearts and go back to the natural spirit. Through painting, I will present my inner spirit to the painting and feel the human’s inside emotion, which is the highest stage of arts. The dissertation aims to express the simple in painting and based on the theories of Miller,the Western Realism painter and Zhao Mengfu, the pioneer of Chinese Scholar Painting, I will analyze commonness of their culture backgrounds and works in order to express emotion of simplicity and emphasize reflection of the society.Combined with graduation work, I intend to state the ‘simple’ spirit from some aspects like, background, motivation and art language and suggest people that there is a inner voice under this fickle society. And we should listen to the simplicity and pursuit the reality and go back to the nature that is the most true and simple beauty.
Keywords/Search Tags:simple, simplicity, Miller, Zhao Mengfu, graduation work
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